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Performance issue when analytics enabled on Exacq


issues with analytics enabled where-as the server will eventually become unresponsive and reboot after a short time.


ExacqVision Server versions 23.09 & 24.03 & 24.06

Steps to Reproduce 

1) install exacqvision server software
2) connect illustra Pro4 20mp IPS20-M12-OIA4 using firmware SS017.
3) Verify analytics are enabled on the cameras – analyticmetadata, objectdetection, motiondetection
4) verify maximum days to keep events is configured for 30 days
5) verify maximum days to keep bounding box metadata is configured for 1 day
6) Allow the system to run over a period of time and observe D

Expected Results 

ExacqVision server and software should continue to run normally as expected.

Actual Results 

ExacqVision server and software will continue to consume resources until the system needs to reboot, while displaying acquiring video status on camera live panels and filling up OS drive with eventpi.db file.


Update ExacqVision server and Client to 24.09