Illustra Cameras Show Video Loss after Server Reboot or exacqVision Server Service Restart


Intermittently, Illustra cameras will show as “VIDEO LOSS” in the video panes after restarting the ExacqVision server service or rebooting the Exacq unit.  To restore normal operation, these Illustra cameras must have their “Enable” select box unchecked and then checked again in the “Add IP Cameras” configuration page.


  • ExacqVision Server
  • Illustra cameras

Steps to Reproduce

The failure mode was intermittent and may require multiple restarts of the ExacqVision Server or just the Exacq server service in order to manifest on server software versions between (but not including) 21.12 and 22.09.

Expected Results

The expectation is that the Illustra camera video streams would be available for display on the ExacqVision clients.

 Actual Results

Occasionally, the Illustra camera video streams display as “VIDEO LOSS” panes on the ExacqVision clients.


Downgrade to exacqVision Server version 21.12 or once available upgrade to exacqVision Server version 22.09 or higher.