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Archiving continually says “Disconnected” on Linux systems 12.04 and Older

When connecting an NVR running Ubuntu 12.04 or older to a newer S-series you may have issues with it connecting and displaying the “Disconnected” message on the archiving page; even thou everything is correct and systems running Ubuntu 14.04 or newer DO NOT have this issue.

When you search the logs, you will see a message stating it failed to connect.

There is a combination of configuration defaults that prevent an Ubuntu 12.04 server (or older) establishing an SMB connection to an Ubuntu 18.04+ (S-Series) server.

Samba changed their “allow ntlm” default from yes to no in version 4.5.0 The version of Samba available for Ubuntu 16.04 is ​4.3.11 (still allows ntlm, no connection issue), and Ubuntu 18.04 is ​4.7.6 (does not allow ntlm by default, so can’t connect).

The workaround used at the customer is to re-allow ntlm on the S-Series by adding ntlm auth = yes to the /etc/samba/smb.conf on the S-Series server and restarting smbd service.

You will need to either be right on the S-series or SSH in to it.

Run the following command in terminal from the S-series

sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf

Add the following in to it right above domains….. ntlm auth = yes

Make sure you save it when finished.

Next, restart the SMB service…

From terminal type the following sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart

Now, go back in to the Exacq Client>Archiving and disable archiving and re-enable it and it should connect.


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Enabling Onboard Keyboard in exacqVision Ubuntu 10.04 and 12.04 Images

In 2013, the exacqVision Ubuntu 10.04 image was rebuilt, and the onboard keyboard configuration was not in included in the rebuild. Affected images can be easily identified by the Exacq wallpaper displayed on the Desktop. Also, because of an issue with onboard packages found in the Ubuntu repository, the onscreen keyboard was not included in exacqVision 12.04 images created before April 2015.

To enable the onboard keyboard, you must install one of the attached scripts for your Ubuntu version using the following instructions.


Ubuntu 10.04

To install the 10.04 image, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to the system as an administrator.
  2. Download the script attached to this article and save it to the /tmp directory.
  3. Open a Terminal window and type cd /tmp.
  4. Change the script to executable by running chmod 775
  5. Run sudo ./
  6. Restart the server.

The onboard keyboard can now be opened by clicking the center key of the mouse.


Ubuntu 12.04

NOTE: The 12.04 image can also run a script, but it must be run from the local admin account. New packages from a PPA repository are added, which means Internet access is required.

The 12.04 script does the following:

  1. Adds a PPA repository for onboard with updated packages.
  2. Installs onboard and supporting packages.
  3. Updates the LightDM login screen to show the user accessibility applet.
  4. Adds an onboard applet icon to top panel of the user account. The onboard keyboard can be run from that panel.


To install the 12.04 image, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to the system as an administrator.
  2. Download the script attached to this article and save it to the /tmp directory.
  3. Open a Terminal window and type cd /tmp.
  4. Change the script to executable by running chmod 775
  5. Run sudo ./
  6. Close the Terminal window.
  7. Log out as the administrator and return to the LightDM login screen. The Universal Access icon is located in the top right of the panel. Click the icon for access to the onboard keyboard.
  8. When logged in to the user account, the onboard icon appears in the top panel. You can move the keyboard around using the cross double arrow key on the right side of the keyboard.
  9. When logged in as the administrator, the onboard keyboard is disabled by default. You must click on the onboard keyboard shortcut on the Desktop.


ConfigOnboardKeyboard Link:


1204ConfigOnboardKeyboard Link:

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Ubuntu 12.04 Desktop Becomes Unresponsive

Some Ubuntu 12.04 servers can experience what appears to be a system crash. The desktop will become unresponsive, and certain desktop elements will disappear.

To fix:

1.) Hard reboot your machine

2.) Open a terminal. Applications –> Accessories –> Terminal

3.) Type the following command:

sudo gedit /usr/share/xsessions/gnome-classic.desktop

4.) Find the line that says:

Exec=gnome-session --session=gnome-classic

Change the line to say:

Exec=gnome-session --session=gnome-fallback

5.) Save the file and reboot the system (or logout/login)


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Updating exacqVision S-Series in Response to Heartbleed Threat

In April 2014 a Security Advisory was issued by the OpenSSL project notifying the public of a serious vulnerability in the encryption software used by a large number of companies. (For detailed information, visit Exacq Technologies took immediate action to assess how its products might be affected by this vulnerability.


The exacqVision S-Series uses Ubuntu 12.04 with the version of OpenSSL that could be affected. However, the vulnerability exists only if you have installed the exacqVision Web Service on your S-Series system and you are using SSL connections on the exacqVision web server, which is not the default configuration. If you have manually set up that configuration, complete the following procedure to ensure you do not have any issues. (If you are not using SSL in the web server, this procedure is optional.


Affected Versions

All exacqVision S-Series Servers manufactured before Apr 10, 2014 (including S-Series Version A, S-Series Version B-1 B-2)

Files affected: openssl, libssl1.0.0


S-Series Version B-1 and B- 2 with a Desktop

  1. Visit

    Username: evsupport
    Password: evsupport
  2. Click on the Heartbleed folder and download the two files to the Desktop. Alternately, you can download them to a portable drive and save them to the server.
  3. Double-click each file to install.
  4. If you see a message stating that a newer repository is available, click OK to continue the installation.
  5. After the installations are complete, delete the files from the Desktop.

    If you have configured SSH connections to the computer, the next time you connect you will get a Security Warning message. This is expected, and the script will update the server’s SSH keys.