This document assumes you have installed Enterprise Manager version 24.12 or higher and wish to enable SSL for HTTPS connections to the Enterprise Manager webpage. NOTE: For a trusted certificate, it is recommended that you purchase a third-party intermediate certificate from one of many online providers. Exacq cannot guarantee the legitimacy or security of a… Continue reading Enabling HTTPS connections for Enterprise Manager version 24.12. and higher
Tag: SSL
Changing the Mobile Listening Port for exacqVision Server
When using the exacqVision Mobile app with the release of exacqVision Server 24.09 or higher, the exacqVision Mobile app will connect directly to the exacqVision Server service rather than require the intermediary exacqVision Web Service. By default the service will listen for incoming mobile app connections on port 8443. This may be manually changed by… Continue reading Changing the Mobile Listening Port for exacqVision Server
Creating a Self-Signed SSL Certificate
Before Beginning… Requirements You will need the OpenSSL program to create a self-signed certificate. The method of obtaining this program varies based on the operating system used. Note: A certificate generated on either platform will work on the other (i.e.- a certificate generated using openssl on Linux can be used with a Windows web service).… Continue reading Creating a Self-Signed SSL Certificate
Self-signed and Untrusted Private/Internal Certificates Cannot be Validated in the ExacqVision Client
Description ExacqVision Client software is unable to validate Self-signed and untrusted private or internal certificates Product Steps to Reproduce Expected Results Actual Results Solution
Enabling HTTPS For exacqVision Enterprise Manager Versions 22.06 thru 24.09
For Instructions on exacqVision Enterprise Manager version 22.03 or older see Knowledge Base Article #12724 The following document details how to enable HTTPS connections to exacqVision Enterprise System Manager from update 22.06 thru For a trusted certificate, it is recommended that you purchase a third-party intermediate certificate from one of many online providers. If… Continue reading Enabling HTTPS For exacqVision Enterprise Manager Versions 22.06 thru 24.09
Enabling HTTPS For exacqVision Enterprise Manager Versions 22.03 or Lower
IMPORTANT For Instructions on current versions of exacqVision Enterprise Manager versions 22.06 or higher see Knowledge Base Article #12804 This document details how to enable HTTPS connections to exacqVision Enterprise System Manager on versions 22.03 or lower. For a trusted certificate, it is recommended that you purchase a third-party intermediate certificate from one of many… Continue reading Enabling HTTPS For exacqVision Enterprise Manager Versions 22.03 or Lower
exacqVision Web Server HTTP Policy “Redirect to HTTP” Broken
Description HTTP to HTTPS redirect implementation is broken and always supplies and internal IP address for the redirect, leading to any and all redirect from outside of the local network to fail. Product Steps to Reproduce Expected Results HTTP requests are redirected to HTTPS Actual Results Fails to connect Solution Update exacqVision… Continue reading exacqVision Web Server HTTP Policy “Redirect to HTTP” Broken
Validating Certificate Permissions for SSL and HTTPS on Linux for WebService
In this example using Letsencrypt SSL certificates. The webservice is behind HAProxy and was not been able to successfully configure HAProxy to update Letsencrypt certificates over HTTP. Therefore, I manually updated the certificate. /etc/webservice/tls/server.crt _> /etc/letsencrypt/live/ -> /etc/letsencrypt/live/ updating the certificates, I linked the original to the new certificates in the Letencrypt folder:When I try… Continue reading Validating Certificate Permissions for SSL and HTTPS on Linux for WebService
Setup Postgres with SSL
Description After Postgres is installed and an SSL certificate is acquired: 1. Open the postgresql.conf for editing as an administrator:Windows: C:\exacqVisionEsm\PostgreSQL\9.2\data\postgresql.confLinux: /usr/local/exacq/esm/PostgreSQL/9.2/data/postgresql.conf2. Locate the “# – Security and Authentication -” section:Replace it with:# – Security and Authentication – #authentication_timeout = 1min # 1s-600s ssl = on # (change requires restart) #ssl_ciphers = ‘DEFAULT:!LOW:!EXP:!MD5:@STRENGTH’ # allowed SSL ciphers # (change… Continue reading Setup Postgres with SSL
Camera-to-Recorder HTTPS Connections
exacqVision supports connecting to many cameras using HTTPS. Depending on the camera firmware capabilities and the device type plugin used in exacqVision the level of encryption provided may vary. Using the IP Camera Integration Database, you may choose to filter the displayed results by devices which support SSL (HTTPS). <br> Connecting with HTTPS When adding… Continue reading Camera-to-Recorder HTTPS Connections