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Server-side digital PTZ is not restored on resume


When reopening the Exacq Mobile 3 app, the previously set cameras are reloaded into the live page. During this process, server-side digital PTZ (dewarp) is not restored, leaving the camera in the default state.

Note: This is for server-side digital PTZ only (i.e. dewarp only). Pinch-to-zoom functionality is properly restored on resume.


Version introduced

Exacq Mobile 3, version 3.3.8



Mobile / All


Steps to reproduce

  1. Select a digital PTZ camera (I used the FE8172V Fisheye on
  2. Perform a server-side digital PTZ action.
  3. Return to the main panel.
  4. Suspend the app.
  5. Resume the app.


Expected result

The digital PTZ settings are restored.


Actual result

The digital PTZ settings will not be restored.


Work Around

Re-apply the digital PTZ settings after restarting.


Version Fixed


Knowledge Support Support exacqVision Client Categories Products

PTZ problems with Axis Control Queue enabled


PTZ control behavior using the exacqVision Client can become erratic with Axis cameras if the “PTZ Control Queue” has been enabled in the camera’s web browser.  This is required in order to be able to use the camera’s “Guard Tour” feature.


Axis has resolved this issue with a firmware change.  This has been confirmed in-house using firmware version 8.10.1.  To confirm the proper settings, or if you are using an older version of firmware, use the following steps.


  1. In the exacqVision Client, navigate to the Camera’s Settings page.  Access the “Mechanical PTZ > Settings” tab.
  2. Set “Serial Port” to “Off”.
  3. Navigate to the camera in a web browser and access “Settings > System > Plain Config”.
  4. In the drop-down box, select “PTZ”, then click “Select Group”
  5. Locate “PTZ UserCtlQueue U0:” and verify that the “Use cookie” setting is disabled.
  6. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Save”.
  7. Back in the exacqVision Client, on the Camera’s Settings page.  Change the “Serial Port” back to “IP”.


Note:  A delay of up to 3 seconds was noticed when sending the first PTZ command before the Guard Tour stopped and allowed control.


Knowledge Support Support Categories exacqVision Integrations

Axis Motion Recording on PTZ Movement

To enable motion based recording on an Axis device during PTZ movement, complete the following steps: <br>

On the Axis camera’s web page, configure a recipient for the event. The Type should be TCP; the IP address should be the address of the exacqVision server; the port can be any open port. <br>

Configure the rule on the Axis camera’s web page. Trigger should be PTZ and Moving; Schedule should be Always; Type should be Send Notification; Recipient should be the recipient from the previous step; the message should be the keyword that exacqVision is listening for to trigger the event. Note the message for later. This example uses the last two digits of the IP address and the input number on the encoder. Select the option to send notifications continuously while the trigger is active. <br>

In exacqVision Client, select Serial Profiles. Enter a name and click Apply. Click New under Event Keywords and enter the message created in the previous step. Click Apply again. <br>

In exacqVision Client, select Serial Ports. Click New. Use should be Access Ctrl; the name can be any identifier; Type should be TCP Listener; Address should be the IP address of the Axis device; Port should be the port assigned in step 2; timeout should be 0 (zero). <br>

In exacqVision Client, select Event Linking. Click New. Event Type should be Serial Port; Event Source should be the serial profile that includes the key word message; Action Type should be Record Video; Action Target should be the device that we want to record motion on PTZ movement; Post-Trigger should be at least five seconds to ensure that the correct amount of data is recorded after the command has been issued. <br>

Knowledge Support Support Categories Products exacqVision Integrations

Enabling PTZ on a Camera Connected to an Axis Encoder

To enable PTZ functionality on a PTZ-enabled camera connected to an exacqVision system through an Axis encoder, you must install and configure the appropriate PTZ driver on the encoder. To do this, complete the following steps:

  1. Download PTZ drivers from the Axis web site. You must know the encoder series and model, along with the manufacturer (or protocol) of the PTZ cameras connected to the encoder. If you cannot locate the PTZ driver for the encoder on the Axis web site, please contact Axis directly.
  2. Open the encoder’s local web page. Install the driver and configure the Serial Support Settings as shown in the figures shown below.
  3. In exacqVision Client, open the Camera Setup page for each applicable camera and verify that the Serial Port drop-down list in the PTZ section is set to IP.


Knowledge Support Support exacqVision Client Categories Products

RS-422 Advanced PTZ Menu Control

In version 4.1 of the ExacqVision software, advanced RS-422 PTZ controls were implemented for Pelco-D and American Dynamics domes. One of the advanced controls allows the operator to open the dome’s internal menu to display menu choices in an onscreen display (OSD) embedded in the dome’s video stream. A cursor can be moved up and down the menu using the ExacqVision Client’s PTZ up and down arrow controls.



  • To select item at cursor: Iris Open
  • To change selected value: up and down arrows
  • To exit menu: move the cursor to the Exit menu item and select


American Dynamics

  • To select item at cursor: Focus Far
  • To increase the selected value: Zoom In
  • To decrease the selected value: Zoom Out
  • To exit menu: either move the cursor to the Exit menu item and select, or use the exacqVision Client’s Menu Off command


Knowledge Support Support exacqVision Server Categories Products

What analog PTZ protocols does Exacq support?

Exacq supports the following RS-422 and RS-485 PTZ protocols. With each protocol, you can specify the baud rate, data bits, stop bits, parity, flow control, and maximum line length.

ProtocolSupported PTZ Presets
AD-M3200 Multi96
AD-MP48 Multi96
Bosch (OSRD)99


NOTE: Devices that require the use of other protocols, not listed above, may still be used with supported encoders. Supported encoders may be found on our IP Camera Integration database.


Knowledge Support Documentation Support exacqVision Server Products exacqVision Integrations

Connecting an ExacqVision Hybrid System to a Pelco Coaxitron Translator for Analog PTZ Control

ExacqVision Hybrid servers have the ability to integrate with Pelco Coaxitron CXTA 9760 devices. This allows customers with existing Pelco PTZ cameras that are controlled through the coax with the Coaxitron protocol to be controlled using ExacqVision software. The CXTA accepts the Pelco 422 protocol from the ExacqVision server, and it outputs the data over the video cable.<br><br>

To use a Pelco Coaxitron Translator (CM9760-CXTA) to control up to 16 analog PTZ cameras using an exacqVision Hybrid system, complete the following steps.<br><br>

I. Connect video from the CXTA to the exacqVision Hybrid system

Connect the BNC Out from the CXTA to Video In on the ExacqVision Hybrid system. The input/output numbers do not have to match because the CXTA input position determines where the PTZ commands are sent.<br><br>

II. Configure the CXTA dipswitches

Set CXTA dipswitches 1 and 2 to OFF to enable 32-bit extended Coaxitron.

Set dipswitch 3 ON to enable Pelco D protocol.

Set dipswitch 8 to ON to enable Spectra equipment type.

III. Connect RS-485 TX+/- on the ExacqVision Hybrid system to the OUT RJ-485 connector on the CXTA

NOTE: For this process, you need a CAT5 cable with one RJ-45 end, a wire stripper, and a small screwdriver.

  1. On the end of the cable without the RJ-45 connector, strip wires 7 and 8 to expose the copper. If the cable is TIA standard, the wires are white/brown and brown.<br><br>
  2. Locate the RS-485 terminal block on the back of the ExacqVision Hybrid system.<br><br>
  3. Use a small screwdriver to loosen (not remove) the TX+ and TX- screws on the RS-485 terminal. You can remove the terminal connector to see the labels.<br><br>
  4. Insert the brown wire into the TX+ position on the RS-485 terminal and tighten the screws.<br><br>
  5. Insert the white/brown wire into the TX- position on the 485 terminal and tighten the screws.<br><br>
  6. Plug the other end of the CAT5 cable into the OUT RJ-485 connector on the CXTA.<br><br>

IV. Enable the serial port in the ExacqVision Client software

  1. In ExacqVision Client, open the Configuration page.<br><br>
  2. Select Serial Port Setup.<br><br>
  3. Locate the RS-485 connection. In Windows, the highest numbered COM port is typically where the RS-485 connection communicates.<br><br>
  4. In the Use column, select PTZ from the drop-down list.<br><br>
  5. Give the connection a name (Pelco CXTA, for example).<br><br>
  6. In the Profile/Protocol section, select Pelco-D from the drop-down list.<br><br>
  7. In the Baud Rate column, select 2400 from the drop-down list.<br><br>
  8. In the Data Bits column, select 8 from the drop-down list.<br><br>
  9. In the Stop Bits column, select 1 from the drop-down list.<br><br>
  10. In the Parity column, select None from the drop-down list.<br><br>
  11. Leave Flow Control at None and Max Line Length at 80.<br><br>
  12. Click Apply.<br><br>

V. Enable PTZ control on the camera and test it in the exacqVision Client software

  1. In ExacqVision Client, open the Configuration page.<br><br>
  2. Select the first input that you want to configure as a PTZ camera to open the Camera Setup page. The inputs are listed below the Camera Recording Setup icon in the configuration tree.<br><br>
  3. In the Serial Port drop-down list, select the COM port enabled in the previous steps.<br><br>
  4. In the Address drop-down list, select the address that matches the camera’s input on the CXTA. For example, if the camera is connected to Input 6 on the CXTA, select 6 as the address.<br><br>
  5. Click the Presets button on the left (not the digital Presets button).<br><br>
  6. Click the Pan/Tilt buttons to move the camera around.<br><br>
  7. Click the Zoom buttons to zoom in and out.<br><br>
  8. Repeat steps 1-7 for each of the cameras connected to the CXTA that you want to configure as PTZ cameras.<br><br>

Attached are the Pelco documents on the CXTA model.

Pelco_CM9760_CXTA_Coaxitron_Translator_manual.pdf Pelco_CM9760_CXTA_Coaxitron_Translator_spec.pdf
Knowledge Support Support Categories Products exacqVision Integrations

Why does my PTZ not work completely on the ACTi ACD2100 camera?

First, make sure that your Analog camera is using Pelco-D protocol and that its address is set to 1.


Also, in some versions of the exacqVision software, the speed is not correctly sent to the camera when using the Pan and Tilt functions. To fix this, adjust the speed bar under the Pan and Tilt controls.


Knowledge Support Support Categories Products exacqVision Hardware

PTZ Surge Protector for Video and RS-485

If you are looking to add a surge protector between an analog PTZ camera and your ExacqVision server, some options that provide both BNC video connections as well as RS-485 terminals such as the following:

Transtector 1101-613

Ditek DTK-DP4P