If email notifications are not being received as expected check the Rule for any time-based restrictions such as “lasts for at least” or “lasted for at least”. Then verify the triggering event actually was activated for the specified amount of time. For example, say we are using the following rule:If “Camera disconnected” lasts for… Continue reading exacqVision Enterprise Manager Time Restricted Notifications are not received
Tag: Notification Not Sent
Email Notifications Not Sent from Linux-based exacqVision Server
If you install exacqVision Server software on a Linux-based system that does not have certain Perl modules installed, email notifications can fail. This does not apply to Linux-based exacqVision systems shipped by Exacq because the Perl modules are installed on the systems when they are manufactured. If you do not receive expected email notifications, check… Continue reading Email Notifications Not Sent from Linux-based exacqVision Server