Axis showing “Request Not Found” when streaming video

Description When connecting to some Axis cameras that do not support shock event, it could get into a state showing “Request Not Found” in the status of “Add IP Cameras” page. When in this state, the camera is actually connected and streaming video. The issue is that the device does not support shock returning a… Continue reading Axis showing “Request Not Found” when streaming video

Browser Client behavior with privacy mode

Description Most modern browsers provide a privacy mode for viewing web sites (e.g. “Incognito Mode” for Chrome, “Privacy Window” for Firefox, “InPrivate Window” for Edge). These privacy modes all operate on the same core principles, by not allowing any data generated by that browser window to persist once it is closed. The web client stores… Continue reading Browser Client behavior with privacy mode

License expiration may show a day off in ESM

Depending on the timezone offset of the ESM server and the date of the license, it may show the expiration off by a day. There is no way to work around this short of applying a license with the date adjusted. The server will still function properly, though ESM may stop monitoring the server a… Continue reading License expiration may show a day off in ESM

Illustra3 Pro Motion Detection Not Working

Description The Pro Gen3 series uses the TI video chipset and requires at least one H.264 stream at 1920×1080. The illustra3 plugin would not allow changing the encoder type to MJPEG in Stream 2 but it does not prevent the user from setting Stream 2 to MJPEG, which causes motion related issues with our plugin.… Continue reading Illustra3 Pro Motion Detection Not Working

How to delete a large amount of camera events from ESM

Description Perform the following steps to remove a large amount of camera events from the ESM Postgre database: <br> Removing Events: Shutdown all ESM servicesStart command prompt as admininistrator (do not use powershell)Change directories to exacqVisionEsm\PostgreSQL\9.2\bin and run the following:pg_dump -U postgres –schema-only ESM > ESM.sql#psql -U postgres -d ESMDROP TABLE camera_cameraevent CASCADE;DROP TABLE report_eventid… Continue reading How to delete a large amount of camera events from ESM

exacqVision Server fails to start

Affected platforms exacqVision Server 9.8 <br> Description When a file “C:\Program” exists, the Windows Service Control Manager (SCM) will fail to start the exacqVisionServer service. <br> Workaround Perform the following steps: <br> Resolution Update to exacqVision Server 19.03.0 or higher

Server crash on start-up with 9.8.2

Symptom: System enters a crash loop after running for some time on Windows platforms. Problem: This issue is caused by a handle leak and manifests itself as a networking error or failure to create processes. Logs may indicate the following: 1/9/2019 3:12:25 AM StreamPI Warning LDAP: Failed to execute (1450). 1/9/2019 3:12:25 AM StreamPI Warning… Continue reading Server crash on start-up with 9.8.2

Curl Broken on Axis Edge Artpec-4/5 with 8.50 Firmware

Symptom: Netconfig, LDAP, notifications, and remote update fail to work.  <br> Problem: The cURL binary does not work with Axis firmware 8.50 on Artpec-4/5.  Introduced in version 8.9.5.  <br> Solution: Update Edge version to 9.9.11 or higher. 

De-elevation notes for Support team

The 9.8 (2018-12) server release introduced support for “de-elevation”. De-elevation means that the exacqVision Server services run at lowered operating system privilege levels. In a theoretical case of a security breach or vulnerability where an attacker could somehow inject code to be executed under the guise of the server, that code will not be able… Continue reading De-elevation notes for Support team