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exacqVision SDVR boards with PAL cameras

Sometimes exacqVision SDVR boards do not immediately recognize the PAL format of analog cameras. Images could be displayed in black and white or even with tearing. If your PAL cameras show those issues when using SDVR boards, complete the following steps in Linux:

  1. Log out of the restricted user account and log in as an administrator.
  2. Close the exacqVision Client.
  3. Click Start and select Accessories and then Terminal.
  4. Type sudo /etc/init.d/edvrserver stop.
  5. Type admin256 at the prompt (or the correct admin password if it has been changed from the default).
  6. Type sudo nano /etc/stretch.conf.
  7. Find the DefaultVideoStandard=”NTSC” line in the file.
  8. Change the line to DefaultVideoStandard=”PAL”.
  9. Press Ctrl+O to output the file.
  10. Press Enter to confirm.
  11. Press Ctrl+X to exit.
  12. Type sudo /etc/init.d/edvrserver start.
  13. Restart exacqVision Client.


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How to: Executing and debugging C# applications with evAPI and Visual Studio 2005 or newer

C# or other managed applications created with Visual Studio 2005 or newer cause a System.AccessViolationException in the EVAPI_CreateWindow function on Windows Vista and Windows 7. To avoid this while debugging within Visual Studio and during application execution, complete the following steps.

  1. After the project has loaded, select the project properties under the Project item on the toolbar (or press Alt+F7).
  2. Select the Build Events tab.
  3. Enter the following command in the Post-build Event Command Line:
    • call “$(DevEnvDir)..\tools\vsvars32.bat”
    • editbin.exe /NXCOMPAT:NO $(TargetPath)
  4. Select the Debug tab.
  5. Uncheck the Enable the Visual Studio hosting process. This must be done for all configurations that will be executed from Visual Studio.
  6. Save and close the project properties page.
  7. Clean and rebuild the project.


Knowledge Support Support exacqVision Client Categories Products

MacOS & Mac OS X Client and Active Directory/OpenLDAP/Kerberos


The following process allows you to configure ExacqVision permissions and privileges for accounts that exist on an Active Directory/OpenLDAP/Kerberos (directory) server.

NOTE: On a Windows platform, the domain controller must run on Windows Server 2003 operating system or later. If the Active Directory functional level is Windows 2000 or earlier, you must select Password Never Expires in the Active Directory Users and Computers snap-in for any user that will connect to an ExacqVision server.

  1. Note the fully qualified host name (hostname.primary-dns-suffix) and IP address of the ExacqVision server computer, the directory domain, and the fully qualified host name and IP address of the directory server. For example:<br>
  1. Make sure the fully qualified host names of the directory server and ExacqVision server can be resolved. To do this, open a terminal window, ping the fully qualified host names, and look for a reply. Make sure the IP addresses match the IP addresses of the servers as noted in the previous step.

    NOTE: If the fully qualified host names cannot be resolved for either server, configure your hosts file with the fully qualified host names, as in the following example:
  1. Configure Kerberos (KRB5) by completing the following steps:
  1. Execute from /System/Library/CoreServers
  2. From the menu, select Edit and then Edit Realms.
  3. In the Edit Realms dialog, click the plus (+) button, and enter the Realm Name in upper case.
  4. Select the Servers tab, click the plus button (+), and enter the IP address or fully qualified domain name of the directory server. Leave KDC as the Type and 88 as the Port.
  5. Click Apply and OK to exit.
  6. Click New.
  7. Enter the username and password for the directory account. To avoid entering the password again after the ticket expires, select Remember This Password in My Keychain.
  8. Make sure the Realm entered earlier in this step is selected from the drop-down list.
  9. Click OK.
  10. If the connection is successful, select the new ticket and click Destroy.
  1. On the ExacqVision Client computer, download and install the ExacqVision software from

Connecting to ExacqVision Servers

You can connect to your Enterprise ExacqVision servers from the MacOS ExacqVision Client software in any of the following ways:

  • You can use a local ExacqVision Username and Password
  • You can always use your system login without having to enter a Username or Password. In this case, leave the Username and Password empty on the Add Systems page, select ‘Use Single Sign-On’, and click Apply. A pop-up window will prompt you to enter your Kerberos password, which is the same as your domain password.

Adding ExacqVision users from the directory database

When the ExacqVision server is appropriately configured and connected to your directory server, the Users page and the Enterprise Users page each contain a ‘Query LDAP’ button that allows you to search for users or user groups configured in the directory. You can manage their ExacqVision server permissions and privileges using the ExacqVision Client the same way you would for a local user. On the System Information page, the Username column lists any connected directory users along with their directory origin (whether each user was mapped as an individual user or part of a user group) in parentheses.


Knowledge Support Support exacqVision Client Categories Products

Problems Exporting to CDs or DVDs

If you select files to export to a CD or DVD through the ExacqVision Client software, but you cannot actually burn the CD or DVD, it is possible that you are using low-quality optical disks. Try replacing the blank optical disk with a new one perhaps from a different manufacturer. Low-quality optical disks are prevalent; the following third-party web site is a useful resource for identifying high-quality optical media:


Knowledge Support Support exacqVision Client Categories Products

What is the difference between a Group and a View?

Views and Groups are similar in that both of them are logical groups cameras based on more than just the server they are connected to. The major difference is that a View also defines a layout of the cameras onscreen.  Because it specifies a layout, the maximum number of cameras in a View is limited to the maximum number of cameras that can be shown onscreen at once, whereas a Group does not have that restriction.


Knowledge Support Support exacqVision Client Categories Products

Is my exacqVision Client software backward compatible?

In most cases, yes. Exacq strives to make the client software backward compatible. However, we recommend that you upgrade your client because newer versions have additional features, bug fixes, and enhancements. Older versions usually function correctly, but they most likely do not offer all the current exacqVision client features.


Knowledge Support Support exacqVision Client Categories Products

Why do I see the IP address in my Add Systems list?

Modern computer networks require each device on the network to have a unique IP address. These addresses are used so that computers know how to communicate with each other and so that network equipment knows where to route the traffic crossing its path.

When using the ExacqVision Desktop Client application from a client workstation to connect to your ExacqVision Server application on another machine, perhaps on the other side of your office, you will need to enter the server’s IP address so the two machines can communicate.

However, TCP/IP includes some “shortcuts” that make routing communication more efficient when two applications running on the same machine need to communicate. These “shortcuts” are called loopback addresses and tell the machine not to bother sending the message out onto the network only to have the network send it right back. is an IP address that always refers to “this machine”; the local computer. An ExacqVision Client can always connect to a server running on the same computer using the IP address, regardless of the actual IP address being used by the NIC in the computer. The same can be said for “localhost,” which may be used in place of the address in many applications. Both “localhost” and the address refer to “this machine.”

Do not delete or ‘localhost’ from your systems list. Using instead of the actual IP address of the NIC ensures the fastest and least troublesome connection to the ExacqVision Server running on the same computer.


The loopback address is an IPv4 address. While IPv6 has been a growing protocol for several years, it is still primarily used by service providers and external routing. Within private networks such as offices and homes, the older IPv4 protocol is still standard.

In case you’re wondering, the loopback address in IPv6 can be written as:
0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 or as ::1

At the time of this writing, ExacqVision Server does not support IPv6 addressing.

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How do I update my exacqVision software?

exacqVision Applications

exacqVision software can be thought of as a suite of applications that work together to provide different services.

The primary application is the exacqVision Server, which records video, audio, and event data. The exacqVision Client provides an interface to view live and recorded video as well as to configure the server application. A single site may have the exacqVision Client installed on many workstations. The exacqVision Web Service connects to the server application as well to provide the ability to view live and recorded video via web browser or mobile app.

These may be updated using the user interface, or by downloading and manually running installers for the newer version.

When opting to update one of these applications it is not uncommon for users to forget to update the others. This guide will explain how to update each of these applications on both Windows and Linux machines. Use the Contents menu to skip to sections relevant to your installation.<br><br>

exacqVision Client

‘Check for Updates’ using the Client

The exacqVision Desktop Client software for Windows, Linux, and Mac operating systems provides an easy way to update the software using the ‘Check for Updates’ button.

  1. Open the exacqVision Client software.<br><br>
  2. Click the exacqVision logo in the upper corner.
  3. Click the ‘Check for Updates’ button.

    NOTE: This requires the client workstation to have internet access.<br><br>
  4. Allow the update to download.
  5. When ready, click the ‘Install’ button.
  6. The Client installer requires the Client software to be closed during update. Click ‘Yes’ to automatically close the Client application and continue with the update.
  7. The Client installer will complete and you may reopen the Client application to continue use.

    NOTE: This only updates the Client software on the machine it was performed on. Each client workstation should be updated.<br><br>

Manual Client updates

  1. Navigate to the Software Downloads page at<br><br>
  2. Download the exacqVision Client installer beneath the section for your operating system (Windows, Linux, or MacOS).<br>
    Avoid using the ‘exacqVision Server Bundle’ to update client workstations. You may unintentionally install additional instances of the exacqVision Server and/or Web Service on your network which could lead to user problems.<br>
    NOTE: Only 64-bit installers are provided for current versions here. Refer to Legacy Software Downloads for 32-bit software.<br><br>
  3. Install the new version.
    • Windows:
      • Run the downloaded .EXE executable by double-clicking it. Unless you’ve changed the download location, it will likely be located in your Downloads directory.
    • Linux (Ubuntu/Debian):
      • Run the downloaded .DEB installer by double-clicking it. Unless you’ve changed the download location, it will likely be located in your Downloads directory.
    • MacOS:
      • Double-click the downloaded .DMG file to open it.
      • Drag the ‘edvrclient’ and ‘ePlayerPro’ icons into the ‘Applications’ folder.<br><br>
  4. On Windows and Linux, follow the prompts to complete the Client software update.
    NOTE: This only updates the Client software on the machine it was performed on. Each client workstation should be updated.<br><br>

Client software deployment

Windows .MSI installers are also provided on the Software Downloads page for those users that need to provide software deployments.<br><br>

exacqVision Server

Before Server Update – Best Practice

Prior to making changes to your server installation, it is best practice to export a copy of your server’s settings.

  1. Open the exacqVision Client application and change to the Configuration screen by clicking the gear icon from the upper-left of the toolbar.<br><br>
  2. You will need to be connected to the exacqVision Server with administrator privileges. Logged in user accounts can be changed by navigating to the ‘Add Systems’ page and highlighting the server of your choice then changing the ‘Username’ and ‘Password’ used to connect.<br><br>
  3. While logged in with administrator privileges, use the navigation panel on the left-hand side to expand the tree under the name of your server by clicking the + symbol beside the server name.<br><br>
  4. Click on the ‘Configure System’ node beneath it.
  5. Select the ‘System’ tab and locate the ‘Settings’ section. Click the ‘Export’ button to save your server’s settings for safe keeping. If keeping several backups, it may be helpful to name the exported files with the date the export was performed.

‘Check for Updates’ on Server

  1. Open the exacqVision Client application and change to the Configuration screen by clicking the gear icon from the upper-left of the toolbar.<br><br>
  2. You will need to be connected to the exacqVision Server with administrator privileges. Logged in user accounts can be changed by navigating to the ‘Add Systems’ page and highlighting the server of your choice then changing the ‘Username’ and ‘Password’ used to connect.<br><br>
  3. While logged in with administrator privileges, use the navigation panel on the left-hand side to expand the tree under the name of your server by clicking the + symbol beside the server name.<br><br>
  4. Click on the ‘Configure System’ node beneath it.
  5. Select the ‘Update’ tab from the list of tabs across the top of the ‘Configure System’ page. The tab displays the current exacqVision Server version and provides a ‘Check for Updates’ button.
  6. Click the ‘Check for Updates’ button.
    NOTE: This requires the system running the exacqVision Server application to have internet access.<br><br>
  7. The Version drop-down menu will populate with all available versions, automatically choosing the latest version that your system is licensed to use.

    NOTE: If your server license is expired, only versions released prior to your license expiration date will be available to you.<br><br>
  8. After making the version selection, click the ‘Update’ button.

    NOTE: The server will go offline during this process and pause recording during that time. This could take several minutes depending on your system. Click ‘Continue’ to accept.<br><br>
  9. The server will begin the process of downloading the update and installing the new version.

    The Client software will reconnect to the Server once the update has completed and the service returns.<br><br>

Manual Server updates

  1. Navigate to the Software Downloads page at<br><br>
  2. Download the exacqVision Server installer beneath the section for your operating system (Windows, Linux).<br>
    NOTE: Only 64-bit installers are provided for current versions here. Refer to Legacy Software Downloads for 32-bit software.<br><br>
  3. Install the new version.
    • Windows:
      • Run the downloaded .EXE executable by double-clicking it. Unless you’ve changed the download location, it will likely be located in your Downloads directory.
    • Linux (Ubuntu/Debian):
      • Run the downloaded .DEB installer by double-clicking it. Unless you’ve changed the download location, it will likely be located in your Downloads directory.
  4. Follow the prompts to complete the Server software update.
    NOTE: This only updates the Server software on the machine it was performed on. Client software is unaffected. See Client updates section for more.<br><br>

exacqVision Web Service

‘Check for Updates’ in Web Service

  1. Open a web browser and navigate to the Web Service landing page. By default the Web Service uses port 80, so using the browser on the system running the exacqVision Web Service, it can be reached at<br><br>
  2. On the landing page, a link for ‘Web Service Configuration’ can be found in the lower corner. Click this link.

    NOTE: If you cannot see this, you may not be using the browser on the system running the Web Service, and/or the configuration settings to display this link may have been changed.<br><br>
  3. Log into the Web Service Configuration using the administrator account configured for the web service.<br><br>
  4. From the left-hand side, expand the ‘Configuration’ menu, then select ‘Updates’.
  5. Click the ‘Check For Updates’ button. You will be notified if an update to your existing version exists. Click to ‘Install’ the update.
  6. Confirm the install.

    NOTE: The web service will be unreachable by your site’s web and mobile users during the software update, which could take several minutes.<br><br>
  7. The Web Service will restart when the update has finished.

Manual Web Service updates

  1. Navigate to the Software Downloads page at<br><br>
  2. Download the exacqVision Web Service installer beneath the section for your operating system (Windows, Linux).<br>
    NOTE: Only 64-bit installers are provided for current versions here. Refer to Legacy Software Downloads for 32-bit software.<br><br>
  3. Install the new version.
    • Windows:
      • Run the downloaded .EXE executable by double-clicking it. Unless you’ve changed the download location, it will likely be located in your Downloads directory.
    • Linux (Ubuntu/Debian):
      • Run the downloaded .DEB installer by double-clicking it. Unless you’ve changed the download location, it will likely be located in your Downloads directory.
  4. Follow the prompts to complete the Web Service software update.
    NOTE: This only updates the Web Service software on the machine it was performed on.<br><br>


Knowledge Support Support exacqVision Client Categories Products

Why can’t I digitally pan or tilt after zooming? I see a red X over the cursor.

If the red X appears over the cursor, the window is too close to the edge of the image.

Additionally, if you cannot digitally pan or tilt after zooming, the pan/tilt speed might be too high. The speed setting is the number of pixels to move in the image.

Click the PTZ Control button on the toolbar.

Decrease the Speed setting for the Pan/Tilt control.


Knowledge Support Support exacqVision Client Categories Products

Can the exacqVision Client run with Windows Aero (Vista)?

Yes. However, video display operations will not be accelerated. Changing the color scheme to Windows Vista Basic can restore overlay and offscreen functionality.

Switching to the Vista Basic theme:

  1. Right-click on the Desktop and click ‘Personalize.’
  2. Click ‘Window Color and Appearance.’
  3. Click the ‘Open classic appearance properties for more color options’ link.
  4. Select ‘Windows Vista Basic,’ then click ‘Apply.’

This should disable all Aero features, such as the glass effect and taskbar thumbnails.

Alternatively, you may use the command line in CMD to issue the following command:
