Lost or Forgotten Camera Password

Description Passwords for cameras and other IP devices connected to exacqVision are stored in encrypted form. They may not be reset or viewed from the exacqVision software or configuration. This is intended for your system and device protection. Solution In the event you are unable to login to the device, you will need to factory… Continue reading Lost or Forgotten Camera Password

How to use the Camera Inspection tool

Enterprise Manager (EM), formerly known as Enterprise System Manager (ESM), includes a feature called Camera Inspection which allows EM users to notate cameras which need attention for a later date. This handy feature means you can easily create a punch list of cameras which need attention for integrator/installer work orders to do things such as:… Continue reading How to use the Camera Inspection tool

Illustra Corridor Mode Motion masks do not match between the client and the camera web application

Tyco Illustra Pro Gen3 cameras placed in Corridor Mode will not have motion masks/detection zones that match between the exacqVision Client’s camera settings page and the camera’s web browser graphical interface. Nothing can be done to perfectly synchronize the motion masks/detection zones between the two interfaces.

Camera-to-Recorder HTTPS Connections

exacqVision supports connecting to many cameras using HTTPS. Depending on the camera firmware capabilities and the device type plugin used in exacqVision the level of encryption provided may vary. Using the IP Camera Integration Database, you may choose to filter the displayed results by devices which support SSL (HTTPS). <br> Connecting with HTTPS When adding… Continue reading Camera-to-Recorder HTTPS Connections

Pelco Sarix Firmware Version 3.29 Disables Motion Masks in exacqVision 6.2

Introduction Pelco’s release of firmware version 3.29 for the Sarix Professional Series has disabled the creation of motion masks in exacqVision 6.2. Exacq recommends that you do not upgrade to Pelco firmware version 3.29. <br> Process to fix issue If you have already upgraded the firmware, use the camera’s web configuration page to define motion… Continue reading Pelco Sarix Firmware Version 3.29 Disables Motion Masks in exacqVision 6.2

exacqVision SDVR boards with PAL cameras

Sometimes exacqVision SDVR boards do not immediately recognize the PAL format of analog cameras. Images could be displayed in black and white or even with tearing. If your PAL cameras show those issues when using SDVR boards, complete the following steps in Linux: Log out of the restricted user account and log in as an… Continue reading exacqVision SDVR boards with PAL cameras