Axis cameras are freezing and choppy on exacqVision server 22.06 and 22.03

Description  The Axis cameras are choppy and freezing on the exacqVision Client Live view page and when checking the logs showing. Product  exacqVision Server 22.03 to 22.06 Steps to Reproduce  Install exacqVision Server version 22.03 or 22.06 and connect to Axis cameras Solution Updating the ExacqVision server to version Windows 64bit, here Windows 32bit,… Continue reading Axis cameras are freezing and choppy on exacqVision server 22.06 and 22.03

Incorrect Timestamps

Issue: exacqVision Server may cause incorrect frame timestamps for some cameras that are using RtspPI or AxisPI plugins. Workaround: None Version Affected 20.06.4 and earlier Resolution: A new Override is available for RtspPI and AxisPIThe Override will prevent the server from auto adjusting timestamps and will trust verbatim what comes from camera. The server generates… Continue reading Incorrect Timestamps