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exacqVision Edge/Axis Quick Start Guide

Knowledge Support Support exacqVision Client Categories Products

Dewarper Workaround


Both Axis and Pelco depend on OpenGL for dewarping.  If dewarping is not working for a Windows client because of GPU driver issues you can use the following open source Mesa3D software OpenGL drivers as a work around.  This will basically use a software implementation of OpenGL to do the dewarping which is really no worse than 90% of the other dewarping libraries anyway. It will not perform as well as if it were using the GPU OpenGL drivers, but it seems reasonable.  CPU usage went from 6% using GPU drivers to 12% using these drivers.



  • Download Mesa3D windows binaries from
  • Extract contents of either x64 or x86 folder to client install directory depending on which client is installed
  • OpenGL32.dll should be in the same folder as edvrclient.exe


Knowledge Support Support exacqVision Client Categories Products

PTZ problems with Axis Control Queue enabled


PTZ control behavior using the exacqVision Client can become erratic with Axis cameras if the “PTZ Control Queue” has been enabled in the camera’s web browser.  This is required in order to be able to use the camera’s “Guard Tour” feature.


Axis has resolved this issue with a firmware change.  This has been confirmed in-house using firmware version 8.10.1.  To confirm the proper settings, or if you are using an older version of firmware, use the following steps.


  1. In the exacqVision Client, navigate to the Camera’s Settings page.  Access the “Mechanical PTZ > Settings” tab.
  2. Set “Serial Port” to “Off”.
  3. Navigate to the camera in a web browser and access “Settings > System > Plain Config”.
  4. In the drop-down box, select “PTZ”, then click “Select Group”
  5. Locate “PTZ UserCtlQueue U0:” and verify that the “Use cookie” setting is disabled.
  6. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Save”.
  7. Back in the exacqVision Client, on the Camera’s Settings page.  Change the “Serial Port” back to “IP”.


Note:  A delay of up to 3 seconds was noticed when sending the first PTZ command before the Guard Tour stopped and allowed control.


Knowledge Support Support exacqVision Client Categories Products

Axis cameras may stop detecting motion on firmware update

Axis is making the transition on the camera motion detection engine from VMD1 to VMD4. VMD1 is the motion detection engine that Axis plugin has been supporting. Starting with camera Firmware 6.50, motion detection application VMD4 is pre-installed on the camera. Compatible Cameras with earlier firmware versions could also load VMD4 application and get the same functionalities. For now, both VMD1 and VMD4 are supported from the firmware, except configuration GUI for VMD1 has been deprecated from the camera web page with firmware 6.50 and only CGI is supported. Axis also plans to eliminate VMD1 support in a future firmware release and will moved to using only VMD4.

Here is what we expect with Axis support starting with server version 9.0

*From a server upgrade with existing Axis cameras already using VMD1

— Axis plugin will continue to support VMD1 configuration and handle VMD1 events as motion.

*new Axis cameras connecting to the server.

— For cameras with VMD4 support (without VMD1 or VMD4 configured), the plugin will default to using VMD4 for motion detection. VMD4 configuration will be supported from exacqvision client (after server 9.0).

— Cameras with older firmware without VMD4 loaded will be supported with VMD1.

— Cameras with VMD4 but have existing VMD1 motion region configured on the camera will be defaulted to using VMD1.

Any cameras with both VMD1 and VMD4 support can be defaulted to using either one by clearing all VMD1 motion regions to use VMD4. Or removing the VMD4 application will also default it back to using VMD1.

Another way to restore back to using VMD1 without removing VMD4 app is first disable VMD4 from the camera web page. Create a dummy default VMD1 motion window from the “Plain Config” and “Motion” group section in the advance setting of the camera web page. Add camera to ExacqVision.

VMD4 motion configuration will not be supported in exacqvision client only when connected in HTTPS mode. The work around is to configure motion on the camera if the user wants to connect with HTTPS. The plugin would handle VMD4 motion events as normal.

Knowledge Support exacqVision Webservice Categories Products

Axis fisheye camera dewarping and the exacqVision Web Service

Only supported on Ubuntu 12.04, Ubuntu 14.04, Windows 7, 8, and Windows Server 2010.
These instructions are dependent upon your system supporting OpenGL 3.0 or higher.


  1. On an exacqVision Server, change the Operating System to automatically login to “admin” following the instructions in KB 45061.
  2. Place the attached webservice_fisheye_fix.bat file into your auto-login user’s Desktop.
  3. Use the Windows Task Scheduler to create a task with the following options:

    * Under the “General” tab, check “Run with highest privileges”
    * Under “Triggers”, click “New”. Set “Begin the task” to “At log on”
    * Under “Actions”, click “New”. “Browse” to the “webservice_fisheye_fix.bat” above.
  4. Reboot.
    NOTE: At each boot, there will be a command prompt left running, this can be minimized, but not closed.

To revert:

  1. Delete the “webservice_fisheye_fix.bat” file and remove the Scheduled Task.
  2. Configure machine to login as “user”.
  3. Reboot.


UBUNTU 12.04 and 14.04

  1. On an exacqVision Server, change the Operating System to automatically login to “admin” following the instructions in KB 39795.
  2. If on 14.04, run the following single-line command in terminal:
    sudo mv /usr/local/exacq/webservice/bin/ /usr/local/exacq/webservice/bin/
  3. Place the attached file in “/home/”
  4. Place the attached webservice_fisheye_fix.desktop file in “/home/admin/.config/autostart/”
  5. In Terminal, run
    sudo chmod 766 /home/
  6. Reboot
    NOTE: If your webservice fails to start after the reboot, rename the file back because it does not exist on your system or the webservice is incompatible with the system version:
    In Terminal, type sudo mv /usr/local/exacq/webservice/bin/ /usr/local/exacq/webservice/bin/

To revert:

  1. Delete the 2 files from steps 3 and 4.
  2. Configure the machine to login as “User”, then run this command:

sudo mv /usr/local/exacq/webservice/bin/ /usr/local/exacq/webservice/bin/


Knowledge Support Support Categories exacqVision Integrations

Axis Motion Recording on PTZ Movement

To enable motion based recording on an Axis device during PTZ movement, complete the following steps: <br>

On the Axis camera’s web page, configure a recipient for the event. The Type should be TCP; the IP address should be the address of the exacqVision server; the port can be any open port. <br>

Configure the rule on the Axis camera’s web page. Trigger should be PTZ and Moving; Schedule should be Always; Type should be Send Notification; Recipient should be the recipient from the previous step; the message should be the keyword that exacqVision is listening for to trigger the event. Note the message for later. This example uses the last two digits of the IP address and the input number on the encoder. Select the option to send notifications continuously while the trigger is active. <br>

In exacqVision Client, select Serial Profiles. Enter a name and click Apply. Click New under Event Keywords and enter the message created in the previous step. Click Apply again. <br>

In exacqVision Client, select Serial Ports. Click New. Use should be Access Ctrl; the name can be any identifier; Type should be TCP Listener; Address should be the IP address of the Axis device; Port should be the port assigned in step 2; timeout should be 0 (zero). <br>

In exacqVision Client, select Event Linking. Click New. Event Type should be Serial Port; Event Source should be the serial profile that includes the key word message; Action Type should be Record Video; Action Target should be the device that we want to record motion on PTZ movement; Post-Trigger should be at least five seconds to ensure that the correct amount of data is recorded after the command has been issued. <br>

Knowledge Support Support Categories Products exacqVision Integrations

Axis M3007 Panoramic (Fisheye) Dewarping

With most panoramic cameras in exacqVision, you can dewarp a panoramic image by enabling Digital PTZ and digitally zooming into the fisheye image. However, Axis M3007 panoramic cameras are dewarped using multistreaming.

To enable the panoramic views, the camera must be in Ceiling orientation. To select this orientation, open the camera’s web configurator, select Setup, select System Options, select Advanced, select Plain Config, select ImageSource from the drop-down list, click Select Group, and select Ceiling from the Camera Tilt Orientation drop-down list. (If you do not see this option, select Image from the first drop-down list and enable the images before you click Select Group.)

In Ceiling orientation, an Axis M3007 camera contains four default views: Overview (fisheye), Panorama, Double Panorama, and Quad View. You can also manually configure up to four individual view areas. For access to the streams, enter the IP address of the camera in a browser to open the camera’s web configurator, select a stream from the Source drop-down menu on the Live View page, and click Go.

The following images depict each of the default views:

To configure individual view areas, open the camera’s web configurator again and select a view area from the Source drop-down list. Move the pan, tilt, and zoom sliders to configure the view area as desired.

The streams can each be added in exacqVision on the Camera Settings page.


Knowledge Support Support Categories Products exacqVision Integrations

Enabling PTZ on a Camera Connected to an Axis Encoder

To enable PTZ functionality on a PTZ-enabled camera connected to an exacqVision system through an Axis encoder, you must install and configure the appropriate PTZ driver on the encoder. To do this, complete the following steps:

  1. Download PTZ drivers from the Axis web site. You must know the encoder series and model, along with the manufacturer (or protocol) of the PTZ cameras connected to the encoder. If you cannot locate the PTZ driver for the encoder on the Axis web site, please contact Axis directly.
  2. Open the encoder’s local web page. Install the driver and configure the Serial Support Settings as shown in the figures shown below.
  3. In exacqVision Client, open the Camera Setup page for each applicable camera and verify that the Serial Port drop-down list in the PTZ section is set to IP.


Knowledge Support Support Categories Products exacqVision Integrations

Camera Time Stamp Off by Years

Some cameras, particularly AXIS and Sony models, display an OSD date with an incorrect year. The time and date of the camera might be set to GMT and the Windows time is correct on the server, yet the OSD on the screen shows something like March 2, 2001.


This is usually a result of European Date Formatting (dd/mm/yy). Set the camera to USA date format (mm/dd/yy) to resolve the issue.


Knowledge Support Support exacqVision Server Categories Products

AXIS Camera Cannot be Found Using Find IP Cameras

Many switches and routers have a feature called IGNP Snooping that can interfere with Find IP Cameras. If all other troubleshooting procedures for finding AXIS IP cameras fail, change the IGNP Snooping setting on the switch or router. Then try Find IP Cameras again.

