Cloudvue KT-1 Controller Quick Start Guide
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Tyco Illustra Pro 5MP Thermal EST Camera Elevated Skin Temperature Scanning Solution with Tyco Cloudvue Integration
Tyco Illustra Pro 5MP Thermal EST Camera Elevated Skin Temperature Scanning Solution with Tyco Cloudvue Integration
CCure 2.80+ Reporting Excessive Video Loss Alerts from Exacq Servers
Description Several customers have reported that exacqVision Servers are spamming the CCure Server with video loss alerts. Product exacqVision ServerCCure9000 Solution Investigation of the exacqVision Servers show that no Video Loss events were logged. The Journal View in CCure reports: “Video Loss alert ended for exacqVision/HDVR Video Camera ‘%CameraName%’ on exacqVision/HDVR Video Server ‘%ServerName%'” In… Continue reading CCure 2.80+ Reporting Excessive Video Loss Alerts from Exacq Servers
Replacing the First Storage Drive using GParted on a Non-RAID exacqVision Ubuntu Linux Server having an 8 GB or smaller ROOT partition
Description •This procedure applies to replacing the first non-RAID storage drive (mechanical SATA hard disk drive) on an Ubuntu Linux-based exacqVision server. If the operating system ROOT partition is 8GB or smaller, the replacement primary storage drive will need to have the “Linux swap”, “export”, and first “storage” partitions created on it.•These instructions assume that… Continue reading Replacing the First Storage Drive using GParted on a Non-RAID exacqVision Ubuntu Linux Server having an 8 GB or smaller ROOT partition
Replacing the First Storage Drive using GParted on a Non-RAID exacqVision Ubuntu Linux Server having a 20 GB or larger ROOT partition
Description •This procedure applies to replacing the first non-RAID storage drive (mechanical SATA hard disk drive) on an Ubuntu Linux-based exacqVision server. If the operating system ROOT partition is 20GB or larger, the replacement storage drive will only need to have the first “storage” partition created on it.•These instructions assume that the Linux operating system… Continue reading Replacing the First Storage Drive using GParted on a Non-RAID exacqVision Ubuntu Linux Server having a 20 GB or larger ROOT partition
Replacing MegaRAID Storage Manager (MSM) With LSI Storage Authority (LSA) – Linux
Title Replacing MegaRAID Storage Manager (MSM) With LSI Storage Authority (LSA) – Linux Description MSM has been found to have some exposure to CVE-2021-44228, the Apache Log4j remote code execution vulnerability, see statement from Broadcom Log4j2 Exposure (CVE-2021-44228). As a result you may be able to replace MSM with LSA on a Windows machine using… Continue reading Replacing MegaRAID Storage Manager (MSM) With LSI Storage Authority (LSA) – Linux
No motion detection on the bottom when changing to the corridor mode for the HikVision cameras
When changing the windows for the HikVision cameras to the corridor mode, it will not trigger the motion on the bottom because it’s not supported by Exacq yet. This feature will be supported on the ExacqVision Server version 22.03.
Setting a primary group to an LDAP user
Issue If you have an LDAP group listed on the ExacqVision server, and you set this group as a primary group for a specific user. The Active Directory will not authorize this user to log in on ExacqVision software. Solution Remove this group from being the primary group of the user, or add this user… Continue reading Setting a primary group to an LDAP user
Override to Prevent UTC Time Zone Configuration of Samsung Cameras by the Server
Issue: Adding a camera, disabling or re-enabling the camera, power cycling the camera, restarting the exacqVision server service, or rebooting the exacqVision Server, causes the server to set the camera’s time zone, for all cameras that allow it, to Coordinated Universal Time (also known as Universal Time Coordinated, UTC, UTC+0, UTC+00:00, “Z time”, or “Zulu… Continue reading Override to Prevent UTC Time Zone Configuration of Samsung Cameras by the Server