Password Strengthening and Augmented Authentication Integration with S2

If this setting is enabled then it is possible with certain version of Server software, an API issue could occur. Specifically with the OVID plugin when integrating with S2. Product  TESTED Version:Client Version: “”Server Version: “”evOVID plugin version Steps to Reproduce  If the Password Strengthening and Augmented Authentication is enabled then OVID plugin will… Continue reading Password Strengthening and Augmented Authentication Integration with S2

2023-09 September Quarterly Release Training

<br><br> ExacqVision Server Bug Fix – Fixed issue causing server crash due to missing microSD card in Illustra multisensor cameras.If camera has no microSD for one sensor, but does for another, network loss recording action caused a crash. (AESW-7549) Bug Fix – Prevent offload from Illustra BWC from hanging Bug Fix – If camera does… Continue reading 2023-09 September Quarterly Release Training

Can’t Set an Email Profile When Kantech Software is Connected to The Exacq Server

Description When having Kantech Board connected to the Exacq Server, Client Software keeps refreshing the configs and that prevents the Exacq client from creating an Email notifications profile. affected version is 23.03 or lower Solution Updating ExacqVision Server and Client to version 24.03 or above. Updating the Kantech Entrapass to version 8.80 or above.

LDAP connection requirements

Description:- In order to succeed in the remote client authentication via LDAP, We will need to make sure that we have the following three points. The way Kerberos tickets work is that we need all three points able to see and connect to each other, so we need to check these requirements before establishing the… Continue reading LDAP connection requirements

The Device Type I need isn’t listed

Details When adding an IP device to your ExacqVision Server, each device will be associated with a Device Type that selects the underlying plugin used for communication. The article, What IP cameras are supported by ExacqVision?, will tell you more about how to use the IP Camera Integration database to find the proper Device Type.<br><br>… Continue reading The Device Type I need isn’t listed

Email notification attachment is not working with H.265 format

Description:- When cameras set to work on H.265 format, Email notification attachment will not work with Exacq server version 23.09 and older. Workaround:- Switch the cameras to work on H.264 format Resolution:- This feature is not supported yet on Exacq Software and will be added on ExacqVision Server version 23.12 and newer.

ExacqVision Edge Legacy Versions

{2024} Q3 2024-09-19 ev-Server-axis-armhf^Version^^21 October 2024^7.2MB, Q3 2024-09-19 ev-Server-illustra-aarch64^Version^^21 October 2024^9.6MB, Q3 2024-09-19 ev-Server-ARTPEC8^Version^^21 October 2024^9.7MB, Q3 2024-09-19 ev-Server-axis-arm^Version^^21 October 2024^7.2MB, Q3 2024-09-19 ev-Server-ARTPEC4^Version^^21 October 2024^8.0MB, Q2 2024-08-15 ev-Server-ARTPEC8^Version^^15 August 2024^9.6MB, Q2 2024-08-15 ev-Server-axis-armhf^Version^^15 August 2024^7.2MB, Q2 2024-08-15 ev-Server-axis-arm^Version^^15 August 2024^7.2MB, Q2 2024-08-15 ev-Server-ARTPEC4^Version^^15 August 2024^7.9MB,… Continue reading ExacqVision Edge Legacy Versions