exacqVision G-Series Micro units may fail to write Exacq’s custom image of Ubuntu OS versions back to drive if the version is above Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. Product G-Series Micro Steps to Reproduce Expected Results The sysprep process should not fail Actual Results The sysprep process fails Solution <br> Reference: AES-737
Category: Knowledge Support
Performance Issues Caused by Disabling Metadata while Camera is Connected
Description Disabling AI metadata within a camera while connected to the exacqVision Server application could lead to camera performance issues. Product Any IP Camera providing AI classification metadata. While this was specifically seen and tested using Illustra devices it can be expected to occur with any camera providing metadata such as AI Object Classification. Steps… Continue reading Performance Issues Caused by Disabling Metadata while Camera is Connected
Illustra Multisensor Backwards Compatibility
Background Over many years the number of Illustra camera related plugins had grown. An engineering effort was aimed at consolidating these to make selection of the appropriate plugin easier for users. exacqVision Server 24.03 represents a configuration shift which could affect users that attempt to downgrade the server application to versions earlier than 24.03. This… Continue reading Illustra Multisensor Backwards Compatibility
Installing storcli on a Cloudvue Gateway
Description In order to interact with the RAID controller on a Cloudvue Gateway you must first install storcli. Products Steps Verification Confirm RAID Controller Present Use lshw to determine if a RAID Controller is present. If no results are returned then there is no RAID controller detected, thus no reason to proceed. sudo lshw |… Continue reading Installing storcli on a Cloudvue Gateway
Thin Client Buffers When Searching at 16x’s and Higher Speeds
Description When watching search back in the Exacq WebService Thin Client at high speeds for longer duration’s the search will skip to the end of the search results. This results in a black screen after being able to view the searched contents and scrubbing the video at 16x’s speed and higher. Product exacqVision Web Service… Continue reading Thin Client Buffers When Searching at 16x’s and Higher Speeds
Web Service Buffering with Black Screen seen on Exacq Mobile 3 and Browser Mobile Client
Description Viewing live video will cause a black screen on the Live page with a buffering icon. Live video may also work for a short time then start to buffer. This has been noticed on Ipads and Iphones. Product exacqVision Web Service up to 24.03 Steps to Reproduce Expected Results Users should be able… Continue reading Web Service Buffering with Black Screen seen on Exacq Mobile 3 and Browser Mobile Client
Attachment from Email Notifications do not Play Back
Description Email notifications are sending the video attachment but iPhone devices are not able to play back the .mov attachment from the email. Product exacqVision Server Steps to Reproduce Expected Results Users should be able to play back the native attached file. Actual Results The attachment will open, but only shows an empty out… Continue reading Attachment from Email Notifications do not Play Back
TDVR8016E Output stops showing Video
Description Server connected to a monitor via output form the Capture Card stops showing video on the monitor when updating to 23.09. Product Exacq Server 23.09 Steps to Reproduce Output works on Server 23.06Update to 23.09 and the Capture Card output stops showing any video on any spot monitors. Expected Results This should work. Actual… Continue reading TDVR8016E Output stops showing Video
HTTP Response Code Reference
Code Description Definition Exacq Tips Informational 100 Continue Server received request, client should continue. 101 Switching Protocols Response to upgrade header 102 Processing Server processing received request. 103 Early Hints Used with link header.Allows browser to preload resources. Successful 200 OK Standard response for successful request.Meaning varies based on method (GET, POST, etc). 201 Created… Continue reading HTTP Response Code Reference
Adding SCP to Illustra Essentials C2C Cameras
Description Illustra Essential cameras were manufactured by Topview and do not include scp (Secure Copy Protocol). As a result, files cannot be easily transferred to or from the device. The debug.sh script can be used to temporarily install scp onto the device enabling up/downloading of files. While scp will not survive a reboot the debug… Continue reading Adding SCP to Illustra Essentials C2C Cameras