Illustra Multisensor Backwards Compatibility


Over many years the number of Illustra camera related plugins had grown. An engineering effort was aimed at consolidating these to make selection of the appropriate plugin easier for users. exacqVision Server 24.03 represents a configuration shift which could affect users that attempt to downgrade the server application to versions earlier than 24.03. This could affect users of Illustra multisensor devices where noted in the article below.


Fresh installations of exacqVision Server 24.03 and above will now leave the illustramulti plugin unchecked for installation at the Choose Components stage of the server software installation. This was previously the preferred selection from the Device Type menu when adding Illustra multisensor cameras when using exacqVision Server 22.06 through 23.09. The exception being the 4-Sensor IFS16-M10-BT03 Flex Multisensor, which uses the Onvif plugin.

Updates to existing installations which already had the illustramulti plugin installed will continue to provide this plugin and not be affected.

Changes to the illustra3 plugin in exacqVision Server 24.03 now permit this plugin to work with Illustra multisensor cameras.

When adding Illustra multisensor devices to exacqVision Server 24.03 and higher, users will now select the illustra3 plugin from the Device Type menu.

This change in Device Type means that users that have already added Illustra multisensor cameras using the illustra3 plugin cannot downgrade to earlier server versions without losing those cameras from their system configurations.


exacqVision Server 22.06 through 23.09 | exacqVision Server 24.03 and later

exacqVision Server versions prior to 22.06 did not offer Illustra multisensor support.

Camera Models:

  • IPS20-M12-OIA4
  • IPS32-M13-OIA4
  • IPS20-M12-OTA4
  • IPS32-M13-OTA4
  • IPR20-M12-OIA4
  • IPR32-M13-OIA4
  • IFS16-M10-OIA4
  • IFS10-M10-OIA4
  • IFS10-M10-OTA4

Illustra IFS16-M10-BT03 not affected, this camera requires the Onvif Device Type.


  • It is recommended to backup the server configuration prior to upgrading to exacqVision Server 24.03 or higher.
  • If a multisensor device was added using illustra3 prior to updating to exacqVision Server 24.03, it must be removed prior to updating.
  • IMPORTANT: While exacqVision provides some support for changing the plugin of an existing IP camera since exacqVision Server/Client 19.12, there is NO official support for changing the plugin type in this use case, nor is migrating events supported. Users may change plugin types between illustramulti and illustra3 at their own risk.
