Samsung Cameras not connecting to Client after Updating to 23.06.1


Certain Samsung Cameras are not pulling in camera details or live streams after updating to exacqVision Server version 23.06.1.


  • exacqVision Server 23.06.1
  • Cameras:
    • Samsung QND 7010R, firmware 4.00 2016
    • Samsung QND-7020, firmware 4.00 2016

Steps to Reproduce 

  • Update to exacqVision Server 23.06.1
  • Camera connected and working as intended on Server Version 23.03.1.
  • After updating, cameras will sometimes connect and not show camera details or live streams. Sometimes the camera’s will not connect at all.

Expected Results 

Cameras should connect and show details and live streams.

Actual Results 

Cameras will sometimes connect and not show camera details or live streams. Sometimes the Camera’s will not connect at all.


We have seen changing the plugin type to Onvif will allow the cameras to function properly in the client.

Note: If you are using Motion Detection please make sure that the cameras are set up properly.

A fix might be in AES-596 is scheduled to be released in Oct, 2023.
AES-554 Testing AES-596 on cases from AES-554
