Email Notifications Not Sent from Linux-based exacqVision Server

If you install exacqVision Server software on a Linux-based system that does not have certain Perl modules installed, email notifications can fail. This does not apply to Linux-based exacqVision systems shipped by Exacq because the Perl modules are installed on the systems when they are manufactured.

If you do not receive expected email notifications, check the Linux system log for the following message from NotifyPI:

Can’t locate method “new” via package “IO::Socket::SSL” at line 1844

The following message should also appear on the Notifications page for the system in the exacqVision Client software:

This server does not support SSL or TLS connections

To install the necessary Perl modules, type the following commands in a Terminal window:

sudo apt-get install libio-socket-ssl-perl

sudo apt-get install libnet-ssleay-perl

Alternatively, you can install the modules using the Synaptic Package Manager.
