Overview The EVAPI_Discover function is used to test the connection between evAPI and an exacqVision server. When EVAPI_Discover is called, it initiates a Discover request to be sent to an exacqVision server. If the Discover request is received by the server, it sends a Discover response indicating the server was found. <br> Usage It is… Continue reading How to: Using EVAPI_Discover to Detect the Connectiodn to an exacqVision Server
Month: January 2011
How to: Using EVAPI_Callback and EVAPI_CallbackEx
Overview The evAPI callback functions are used to receive event notifications from the exacqVision server, such as motion detected by a camera or a configuration change made to a server. Usage To use the evAPI callback functionality, it is necessary to define and declare a callback function and then assign the function in the API.… Continue reading How to: Using EVAPI_Callback and EVAPI_CallbackEx
exacqVision SDVR boards with PAL cameras
Sometimes exacqVision SDVR boards do not immediately recognize the PAL format of analog cameras. Images could be displayed in black and white or even with tearing. If your PAL cameras show those issues when using SDVR boards, complete the following steps in Linux: Log out of the restricted user account and log in as an… Continue reading exacqVision SDVR boards with PAL cameras
Adding/Configuring Locales on Ubuntu Linux
For Ubuntu, adding a new locale (language) is a two-step process. First, determine the UTF8-encoded locale name, then generate the UTF8-encoded locale. <br> Determine Locale Name Open a command line window and type: less /user/share/i18n/SUPPORTED This will list all of the locales Ubuntu supports. Scroll down to find the one that matches the ISO 639-1/ISO… Continue reading Adding/Configuring Locales on Ubuntu Linux
Common Linux CLI Commands (Terminal)
Download the latest release Use the ‘wget‘ command followed by the URL for each exacqVision application: Serverhttps://www.exacq.com/release/exacqVisionServerRC.deb Clienthttps://www.exacq.com/release/exacqVisionClientRC.deb Web Servicehttps://www.exacq.com/release/exacqVisionWebServiceRC.deb <br> Install the latest release Use the ‘dpkg’ package manager to install exacqVision packages after downloading using the ‘wget‘ commands above. Serverdpkg -i exacqVisionServer.deb Clientdpkg -i exacqVisionClient.deb Web Servicedpkg -i exacqVisionWebService.deb <br> Check available hard… Continue reading Common Linux CLI Commands (Terminal)