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Internal SATA Drives Show up as Removeable Media


In some cases Internal SATA devices (HDDs or SSDs) may show as removable media in your task bar.  Consequently, the safe removal icon appears for the disk in the system tray (as if it is a common USB flash drive).


  • Windows 10
  • Windows 7 Enterprise

Expected Results

The SSD/SATA Drive shows as a Disk Drive

Actual Results

The SSD/SATA Drive shows as a Disk Drive


Whether or not a device is considered removable is determined by your system’s BIOS and how it marks the various SATA ports on the motherboard. The inbox driver directly inspects SATA ports and considers devices connected to those ports marked “external” as removable devices. Not all storage drivers do this, which can be a potential cause for corruption or data loss.


First, check for and install available BIOS updates from your PC manufacturer. If none are available, you can follow these steps to override the way the inbox driver surfaces devices on certain ports:

  1. Open a command prompt with administrator privileges.
  2. In the command prompt window, type the following command in hit Enter: devmgmt.msc
  3. Under Disk Drives, identify the SATA device you would like the inbox driver to consider internal and open properties for this device by right-clicking and selecting Properties.
  4. Note the bus number from the properties overview (“1” in the below example).

  5. For Windows 7:

Type the following command in the previously opened command prompt and hit Enter

reg.exe add “HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\msahci\Controller0\Channelx\” /f /v TreatAsInternalPort /t REG_DWORD /d 0x00000001

Where x corresponds to the Bus Number you noted in step 4.

  1. For Windows 8 and later:

Type the following command in the previously opened command prompt and hit Enter:

reg.exe add “HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\storahci\Parameters\Device” /f /v TreatAsInternalPort /t REG_MULTI_SZ /d x

Where x corresponds to the Bus Number you noted in step 4.

Note:  See for additional information.

Knowledge Support Support exacqVision Server Categories Products

Windows OS Servers Fail to Correctly Identify Non-DST Time Zones & Prevent Local Client Video Searches from Working


Servers with Windows operating system (OS) fail to correctly identify non-Daylight-Savings-Time (DST) time zones and prevent the local client searches from working for time periods recorded during DST.


  • Sporadic playback on the server using the (internal) local client and no issues with searching from the (external) client workstations. In other words: search works fine from workstations, but not on the server itself.
  • With direct search enabled, search shows timeline filled at the right side and playback works but doesn’t fill-in the left side of the timeline. Disabling direct search fills the timeline but playback is broken.
  • Recorded files are placed in the correctly labeled video folders.
  • Downgrade of the client does not fix this condition, but downgrade of the server to version 9.4 or earlier does.

Root Cause:

Server 9.7.27 introduced an issue with how the server software queries for the currently-configured time zone from the Windows OS. The Linux OS is NOT affected by this issue. When impacted systems are configured to a time zone that does not observe DST, like any of the “(UTC+/- xx:xx) Coordinated Universal Time +/- x” zones and others, the server will erroneously assume DST is observed, and relay that information to the client. As a result, the local client may fail to search video during the DST part of the year. Conversely, a remote client search will continue to work normally.


The options are (1) to search from the client workstations ONLY, or (2) to downgrade to server version 9.4.

Introduced In:

Server version 9.7.27

Fixed In:

Server version 19.05.18+ and Client version 19.03.9+