Windows 10 Hostname

Description From the June 2022 release to the March 2023 release, the Windows 10 hostname will be the default randomized/generated one by Windows, usually something like “DESKTOP-XXXXXXX” instead of the serial number, which either “ERXXXXXXXX” or “CCPXXXXXXXX”.  The fix is planned for the March release of 2023. This issue affects images for the following release… Continue reading Windows 10 Hostname

How to prevent a specific Windows update or driver from installing

In Windows 10 there is no way to block the installation of a particular Windows Update(s) through ‘Update & Security settings, like in the previous Windows versions (Windows 7 or Windows Vista).  In Windows 10, the Windows Updates are set to be automatically installed in order to keep your device always updated. On the other hand,… Continue reading How to prevent a specific Windows update or driver from installing

Windows 10 Kiosk user password expiring

Issue: Exacq server Kiosk User account password expires every 90 days. NOTE: This is not an issue if you are not using the Kiosk User, if you have not had an issue after 90 days in service, and if your server was built in December 2018 or later (ER1852xxxxxx). <br> Servers affected: Any Windows 10… Continue reading Windows 10 Kiosk user password expiring

Unable to Start Web Service on Windows 10

Problem Users installing the exacqVision web service on Windows 10 machines find that the exacqVision web service is not enabled and encounter errors when attempting to manually start the service. <br> Cause This is due to a port conflict. The default port used by evApache is port 80. This is also the default port for… Continue reading Unable to Start Web Service on Windows 10