Kantech Entrapass Web Download Instructions

Instructions: ExacqVision Kantech-Onboard systems may exhibit specific Internet Explorer security settings that will prevent the download of EntraPass Web from the link on the desktop after installing the Kantech software. This was discovered specifically with the Windows Server 2016, Entrapass version 7.51, in June 2019. Other versions may encounter this problem though they are not… Continue reading Kantech Entrapass Web Download Instructions

Unable to Edit Web Service Scheduled Update in ESM

Symptom: When scheduling an update to a web service through ESM, a user cannot edit the scheduled update.  <br> Problem: Clicking on the Edit option for a scheduled update to a web service from within ESM results in an error.  This can be seen from the Web Services page when clicking to the Web Service… Continue reading Unable to Edit Web Service Scheduled Update in ESM

Downgrading Software on Ubuntu/Linux OS

Ubuntu/Linux uses the ‘gdebi’ package installer to run .DEB packages. This will automatically check if you are attempting to install an older package than is already installed and warn you if a newer version is already installed. If you choose to downgrade the version of your ExacqVision Server, Client, or Web Service software you will… Continue reading Downgrading Software on Ubuntu/Linux OS

Uninstalling Software on Linux (Ubuntu)

In certain circumstances, such as a broken or mis-configured software package, it may be necessary to uninstall the ExacqVision Server, Client or Web Service software. On Linux (Ubuntu) this can be accomplished via the Synaptic Package Manager. But if that is not installed or you are unsure how to find or use this, an uninstall… Continue reading Uninstalling Software on Linux (Ubuntu)

How to disable TLS version 1.0 in the exacqVision web service – LEGACY

Applicable Versions This document now applies only to exacqVision Web service 8.8 and earlier. Beginning with version 9.0, the web service no longer uses Apache. If you need to disable TLS 1.0 we recommend the use of a web service gateway. The steps in configuring a web service gateway are detailed in Configuring Nginx or… Continue reading How to disable TLS version 1.0 in the exacqVision web service – LEGACY