Thin Client Buffers When Searching at 16x’s and Higher Speeds

Description When watching search back in the Exacq WebService Thin Client at high speeds for longer duration’s the search will skip to the end of the search results. This results in a black screen after being able to view the searched contents and scrubbing the video at 16x’s speed and higher. Product exacqVision Web Service… Continue reading Thin Client Buffers When Searching at 16x’s and Higher Speeds

Thin Client Maps do not produce an image when cycling through the different maps

Starting at 21.06 version of Web Service we found that using maps that have children with links to cameras from more than one server can trigger this behavior. Example:If cycling through your list of maps the screens would not load and produce a black image. Sometimes the screens would load but would only show a… Continue reading Thin Client Maps do not produce an image when cycling through the different maps

Thin Client and Mobile App will not work when using RVW (Restricted View Window) on Camera

RVW is a new feature starting in 21.09 where you can block out parts of the video for privacy.We currently do not have a method of supporting both at the same time. If you plan on using this feature you will lose the ability to view cameras in the thin client and the mobile app.… Continue reading Thin Client and Mobile App will not work when using RVW (Restricted View Window) on Camera

Limited Features available in the Thin Client .

This is not an exhausted list.Soft Triggers are not available in the Web Browser/Thin Client. Customers should use the Exacq Mobile 3 Client from a Web Browser instead. The physical triggers are located in the menu of the mobile browser instead of on the live view. For Example: If you are using a trigger for… Continue reading Limited Features available in the Thin Client .