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IP Plugin Overrides

The standard form for exacqVision camera addresses is as follows:


  • The host is required and must be in the format of an IPv4 address or FQDN (dot separated domain location).
  • The 1 or more name=value parameters are separated by ? and are optional. These are passed to the device.
  • The 1 or more name=value overrides are separated by # marks and are optional, but always last. These are passed to the plugin to modify plugin behavior.



ACTitransport=httpHTTP stream support for legacy platforms and user data
ACTitransport=rtspRTSP stream with separate metadata socket for motion/input trigger/video loss/etc.
Axiszoom=configBy default zoom only cameras support.
Axiszoom=operationForce zoom only operation and controls as part of PTZ and live view.
Axisblocksize=offOn by default, but could turn off blocksize in the RTSP session for some cameras with streaming issues.
Axistransport= {udp,tcp,rtsph,rtsphs}Transport overrides for use with Secure Streaming
Axistunnelport={1025-65535}Override for tunnel port when not the same as CGI port. Use as a workaround for only having 1 port input box/XML attribute.
Axistimestamp={server,trusted}Override timestamp to server time(server) for problem cameras or to camera adjusted by RTSP/RTCP per RFC(trusted)
Dahuatransport= {udp,tcp,rtsph}Transport overrides for use with Secure Streaming
Dahuatimestamp = serverStamp with server time.
Dahuatimezone=cameraAllow camera to retain timezone when connected to exacq (do not push GMT as we normally do).
Dahuatimezone=utcpush GMT to device, this is also default if not provided.
Hikvisiontimestamp=rtpForce to camera timestamp without waiting for RTCP sync.
Hikvisiontransport={tcp,udp,rtsph,rtsphs}Transport overrides for use with Secure Streaming
Hikvisiongetparameter_override=trueNeeded for HQHI-SATA encoder to prevent stream interruption.
Hikvisionosd_override=offAllow camera time OSD to be displayed (when enabled on camera)
Hikvisiontimezone=cameraAllow camera to retain timezone when connected to exacq (do not push GMT as we normally do).
Hikvisiontimezone=serverPush GMT timezone to camera (because Illustra standard does NOT do this as default)
Hikvision1 timestamp=serverStamp with server time.
Hikvision1 timestamp=rtcpStamp with server time until sync with RTCP server report.
Hikvision1 support=legacySupport original CGI interface.
Hikvision1 support=isapiSupport ISAPI interface.
Illustra3transport=udpStream RTSP session with UDP protocol.
Illustra3zoom=operationForce zoom only operation and controls as part of PTZ and live view.
Onviftransport=udp1 TCP socket for RTSP and up to 6 UDP sockets for video, audio, and application data and their RTCP streams.
Onviftransport=rtsp1 TCP socket for RTSP with all other streams interleaved in it.
Onviftransport=httpDefault 2 TCP sockets for RTSP over HTTP over TCP. ( 1 long POST and 1 long GET )
OnvifProfile=xConnect to a specific profile number.
Onvifnat=1Support nNAT translation to WAN address.
Onviftimestamp=serverStamp with server time.
Onvifbank=xSelect 4 channel encoder banks.
Onvifhttp=1.0For Samsung SPE-100/400 that requires http1.0 for live555.
Onvifsupport=profile-sForce Profile-S implementation for cameras that do not fully support Profile-T.
Onvifevents=pull or streamSelect metadata event mode when the manufacturer option is ALL.
Onvifuse_caps={on,off}Use deprecated GetCapabilities for when GetServices is poorly implemented.
Onviftunnel_alive = auto,get_parameter,set_parameter,options,noneKeep alive mechanism during RTPS-over-HTTP, defaults to auto.
Panasonictransport=udpStream RTSP session with UDP protocol.
Panasonictimestamp=serverStamp with server time.
Pelcotransport=udpStream RTSP session with UDP protocol.
RTSPtransport=udpStream RTSP session with UDP protocol.
RTSPtransport={tcp,udp,rtsp,rtsph,rtsphs}All Transport overrides.
RTSPtimestamp=serverStamp with server time.
RTSPtimestamp=rtcpStamp with server time until sync with RTCP server report.
RTSPtimestamp=trustedStamp with cameras time adjusted by RTSP/RTCP per RFC.
RTSPstream=xSelect specific stream number.
RTSPtrack=xSelect specific track number.
RTSPtunnelport={1025-65535}Tunneling port replacing the :portnum on URL.
RTSPembed_port=*Forced RTSP URL format in tunnel.
RTSPhttp=1.0,1.1Forced RTSP URL version number.
RTSPbc_audio=supportedBackchannel audio out.
RTSPbc_samplerate=xxxxBackchannel sampling rate.
RTSPbc_samplesize=xxxxBackchannel sampling size.
RTSPbc_mode=tsBackchannel timestamp mode(duration(default)/timestamp using RTCP adjustment).
Samsungtransport={tcp,udp,rtsp,rtsph,rtsphs}Transport overrides for use with Secure Streaming
Samsungtunnelport={1025-65535}Tunneling port if different than one used for CGI.
Samsunghttp=1.0,1.1Fix for some older devices.
Samsungembed_port=*Fix Internal URL inside tunnel if needed.
Sonytimestamp=serverStamp with server time.
Vivoteksupport=legacyUse legacy API and support.
Vivoteksupport=onefwUse OneFW API and live555 stream.

1 The use of these overrides requires the use of IPv4 dotted address, FQDNs cannot be used.

Override Definitions

transportStream session with the specified protocol { TCP | UDP }.
timestampStamp frames with server or camera time.
timezone{ UTC | camera | server } Determine if camera timezone is set to UTC+0, left as camera or set to that of server.
zoomOverride configuration or operation zoom function.
blocksizeOn by default, but could turn off blocksize in the RTSP session for some cameras with streaming issues.
profileConnect to profile number N; N is a number from 1 to the number of profiles supported by the camera.
natSupport NAT translation to WAN address.
bankSelect 4 channel encoder banks. N is 1 – number of banks, usually in set { 1 | 2 | 3 | 4}.
supportOverride support API. For example, used by Vivotek to support either legacy or oneFw.
streamSelect a specific stream ID for devices supporting multiple streams.
trackSelect a specific track for devices supporting multiple media tracks.
tunnelportWorkaround for our XML and GUI only giving us one box for port. Used if tunnel port is different than CGI and does not come from CGI.
embed_portValue does not matter. Forces RTSP URL inside tunnel to put port in the URI if it is default. A small selection of cameras need ip:554 even when in a tunnel over 80


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Knowledge Support Support Categories Products exacqVision Integrations

RTSP Plug-in used with ExacqVision Software

The RTSP plug-in supports generic streaming of audio and video using the RTSP/RTCP/RTP protocol. The plug-in automatically configures the streaming transport to either UDP or TCP. The default when the device is connected is TCP; if it fails to connect, it tries to connect through UDP. The plug-in does not support any configuration — it is only an audio/video streaming plug-in. The device must be configured through its web page or other application provided by the manufacturer.


Video Formats Supported



Audio Formats Supported

L16: uncompressed 16-bit audio with 8000 sampling rate (ACTi)

G711-muLaw: compressed PCM audio into 8-bit samples with 8000 sampling rate (AD, IPX, Pelco)

AAC: single channel (AXIS)

G726-16,24,32,40: ADPCM encoded audio with 2, 3, 4, and 5 bits per sample with 8000 sampling rate (AD, Panasonic, AXIS, Sony)

You can find the address to choose for your camera model from a number of locations online or by referring to the manufacturer’s manuals and documentation.


Exacq-Specific Controls

In the RTSP URL, control parameters provide additional control of the streaming functionality. These controls are used to override the default behaviors. The typical default behavior is to select the first video and audio stream available. The default transport protocol is TCP, and if the setup process failed with 461 or Unsupported Transport protocol, it switches to UDP and restarts the session. The usage of the override controls is to append the normal RTSP URL with # and follow with key word = value.


Video Stream Index Override Control

The key word for this control is stream, and the expected value is one of the available video stream index numbers. The stream index is the index of video stream found within the described response. Thus, if two video streams and one audio stream are available, index 1 would refer to the first stream and index 2 would refer to the second video stream. For example:


To select video stream number 2 from the ACTi camera:



Video Track Index Override Control

The key word for this control is track, and the expected value is one of the available video track index numbers. The track index is the logical control path of a stream that is part of the the described response. Thus, a track with the value of 1 would refer to the the video stream with a control path of track1. For example:


To select video track number 2 from the ACTi camera:



Transport Protocol Override Control

The key word for this control is transport, and the expected values are tcp, udp, or http. TCP and UDP are used to control the RTP streaming transport method. HTTP is for RTSP tunneling over HTTP, such as with ONVIF cameras. For example:


To select UDP as the transport protocol for the ACTi camera:


Also note that multiple additional control parameters could be appended to the URI. The following example would stream the first track in UDP mode:

