Title Resizing a Partition on Ubuntu Linux Description If the capacity of a Virtual Drive has been increased, then it will be necessary to resize existing partitions. Product Ubuntu Linux 18.04 Overview Stop exacqVision ServerIdentify virtual drive mount point and DeviceUnmount the virtual drive mount pointLaunch GPartedResize the partitionMount the virtual drive mount pointVerify partition… Continue reading Resizing a Partition on Ubuntu Linux
Tag: Ubuntu Linux
Configuring Multiple Monitors on Ubuntu Linux
Title exacqVision – Configuring Multiple Monitors on Ubuntu Linux Description If multiple monitors are attached you have the option to either mirror, show the same image on all monitors or extend the desktop. Configuration is done within the OS settings. Product Ubuntu LinuxexacqVision Solution Login to the OS as an adminLocate and select… Continue reading Configuring Multiple Monitors on Ubuntu Linux
How to Remove Unused Samba Services to Avoid Potentially Being Detected by a Vulnerability Scan
Procedure to remove unused Samba services to avoid potentially being detected by a vulnerability scan. Unless your server is an S-Series, these services are most likely not being used and may be disabled.
AD victor Client (version 4.9+) Shows a Date & Time Stamp Offset by +10 Hours for Ubuntu Linux exacqVision Servers Configured for Hawaii Time Zone
American Dynamics victor Client (versions 4.9+) shows a date & time stamp that is offset by +10 hours for analog or IP cameras from Ubuntu Linux exacqVision servers configured for Hawaii time zone.
Removing Unused LSI MegaRAID Storage Management Software on Ubuntu Linux to Eliminate Open Port 3071 Vulnerability
Vulnerability scans may detect and indicate that port 3071 is Open/Listening because of the installed LSI MegaRAID Storage Management software (LSI MSM) on an Ubuntu Linux server that does not have hardware support for RAID configuration. IF IT IS NOT BEING USED, the software may be removed to eliminate this vulnerability.