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PortCheck Utility

When troubleshooting TCP/IP connectivity issues, it is often helpful to confirm that the network path is open over a specified port and that there is no interference from a firewall or antivirus. This also rules out software level problems that may be causing a failure to connect.

While there exists many utilities to accomplish this task (telnet, putty, nmap, etc…), often these utilities aren’t previously isntalled and can’t be accessed when troubleshooting.

This utility will attempt to make a TCP connection to a specified IP Address or hostname over a specified port and return either success or failure.

PortCheck – Windows


If you are unable to transfer the file, the contents can be copy and pasted into a file manually and run from command line.

::This utility will check the network path to the specified IP address/Hostname.
::It will accept the first argument as the IP Address/Hostname, and the second argument as the port.
::Author - Isaac Penrod

@echo off

set $IP=%1
set $PORT=%2

IF "%~1" == "" set /p $IP="Enter the IP Address or Hostname: "
IF "%~2" == "" set /p $PORT="What TCP Port: "
set $COMMAND="^(New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient^).ConnectAsync^('%$IP%', '%$PORT%'^).Wait^(800^)"
echo Checking connectivity to %$IP%:%$PORT%
echo If the network path is open and something is listening at that location, the result will be "True"
powershell -command " %$COMMAND% "

PortCheck – Linux

If you are unable to transfer the file, the contents can be copy and pasted into a file manually and run from terminal.

You will also need to make the file executable with – chmod +x

#This utility will check the network path to the specified IP address/Hostname.
#It will accept the first argument as the IP Address/Hostname, and the second argument as the port.
#Author Isaac Penrod


if test -z "$IP"
read -p "Enter the IP Address or Hostname: " IP

if test -z "$PORT"
read -p "What TCP Port: " PORT

echo Checking connectivity to $IP:$PORT
echo If the network path is open and something is listening at that location, the result will be "success"
timeout 2 bash -c 'if > /dev/tcp/'$IP'/'$PORT'; then echo success; fi'
if [ $? != "0" ]; then
echo failure


This utility will also accept command line arguments.
$1 – IP Address/Hostname
$2 – Port

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exacqVision Hard Drive Tests


A summary of system drive tests performed by exacqVision using evSelfTest, RAID controllers, and S.M.A.R.T. data.


  • exacqVision Server 7.8 and higher


On systems Built-by-Exacq (BBE), the exacqVision software runs the following tests: Using evSelfTest.exe:

  • SMART attribute report for non-RAID drives, once every hour and upon server service start.
  • SCSI passthrough commands to RAID drives through storcli, once every hour and upon server service start.
  • Manually run Short and Long self-tests.

RAID card consistency check, once every week.
On non-BBE systems:

  • Drive SMART data is monitored
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Enterprise System Manager Shell

To open Enterprise Manager Shell in Windows, run Command Prompt as an administrator and change directories to the installation directory by running the following command:

cd C:\Program Files\exacqvision\enterprisemanager \enterprisesystemmanager\

Then type:

enterprisesystemmanager.exe shell

To open Enterprise Manager Shell in Linux, open a Terminal window and type:

sudo /usr/local/exacq/esm/enterprisesystemmanager shell


The following commands can be used in the shell:

Exit the Shell.

Exit with ‘Ctrl+Z’

Test SMTP settings

from evemail.models import EmailServer
es = EmailServer.objects.all()[0]
con = es.get_connection()

You will see details about any connection errors, or an email connection object that is opened using the information in ESM.

Show the number of emails in the queue

from evemail.models import EventEmail, EventBatchEmail

Delete emails in the queue

from evemail.models import EventEmail, EventBatchEmail

Reset the Enterprise Manager Root Admin user password

*** This should never be given out to a customer ***

Stop all Enterprise Manager services, then enter shell. Once in shell, enter the following commands:

from organization.models import EnterpriseUser
u = EnterpriseUser.objects.get(username="admin")
import sys

Start all Enterprise Manager Services

NOTE: It may be necessary to replace the field username=”admin” above with the actual username configured at time of installation, if not using default value. In example: username=”enterpriseadmin”

Deleting a Failover Group 

from failover.models import *

This will give you a list of failover groups.
Then you can delete the group at the proper index using 


​Replacing the number with the index of the group to delete, of course 

import sys


Undeleting data removed using the web GUI

from server.models.core import Server
from django.utils import timezone
readd_date = - timezone.timedelta(days=2)
servers = Server.objects.filter(removalDate__gt=readd_date)
for server in servers:

Servers deleted through the GUI are flagged for deletion. As long as the datarolloff retention period has not passed, the servers deleted within the last 2 days can be undeleted with the above commands. You can adjust the days needed if the customer needs something from prior to that by adjusting the “days” number in line 3.

Knowledge Support Support Categories exacqVision Hardware Products

How to Test an ATX Power Supply

Although there are portable power supply testers on the market that are inexpensive, it often becomes necessary to test whether a power supply is good or bad with only a multi-meter handy. The following steps detail how to perform this.


WARNING: When working with electricity always follow proper safety procedures. Remove jewelry from your hands. Do not attempt to open enclosures labeled “Non-Serviceable” or with warnings of electric shock. Do not touch capacitors which may still be holding an electric charge.


  1. Power down the system and remove the power cable(s) from the device.
  2. Open the server case and unplug the power connectors inside.
    • Follow the large bundle of wires from the power supply to the motherboard. You will find a large, plastic connector. This is typically white but may also be black.
    • Press the release down on one side of the connector and pull up to remove it.
    • A smaller bundle will connect to a 4 or 8-pin connector elsewhere on the motherboard. Disconnect these as well.
    • It is not necessary to remove the entire power supply from the chassis; just pull the connectors to a place you can easily access them.
  3. Examine the pinout diagrams. While some machines may have a 20-pin connector, others will have a 24-pin connector. With the pins facing you and the release clip towards the right the top-left pin will be pin number 1 and follow down the left side before beginning again at the top of the next column.
  4. You will need a short piece of wire to use as a jumper for the next step. If you have a 20-pin connector, insert the ends of the wire into pins 13 and 14 to short out this connection. If you have a 24-pin connector, insert the wire into pins 15 and 16
    • 20-pin -->  13 to 14
    • 24-pin -->  15 to 16
  5. Plug in the power supply. If it has no power switch you should hear the fan come on. If it does have a power switch, turn the unit on.
  6. If you have an Auto-Ranging multi-meter you can just set it to DC Voltage. If you have a traditional multi-meter, set the dial to the 10-Volt setting.
  7. Place the black (-) probe from your multi-meter on any of the pins labeled Ground (GND). Place the red (+) probe on the first pin and work your way around to each pin.
    • Make a note of the voltage reach from each pin. Click here for a printable worksheet to record these readings.
  8. Compare the values from your meter readings to the value that should be supplied.

Note:  These will almost never be exactly 3.3, 5.0 or 12.0 volts. Your actual meter readings should fall between the minimum and maximum voltage tolerances.


If your readings are above or below the allowable tolerances, noted on the worksheet, for that pin the power supply should be replaced.

