Linux – Delete Video from Root Volume

Exacq Technologies does not recommend using the root partition for video recording as the OS is installed on this partition.  Exacq labels the root partition as /mnt/edvr/0.  In the event that /mnt/edvr/0 has been enabled on the storage page,  resulting in video being recorded to the root partition and you now need to delete that… Continue reading Linux – Delete Video from Root Volume

Update Ubuntu Linux Software Using Command Line

Installing updates via Terminal The commands are as follows: apt update: Update is used to resynchronize the package index files from their sources on Ubuntu Linux via the Internet.apt upgrade: Upgrade is used to install the newest versions of all packages currently installed on the Ubuntu system. To update software list for Ubuntu First, open… Continue reading Update Ubuntu Linux Software Using Command Line

Common Linux CLI Commands (Terminal)

Download the latest release Use the ‘wget‘ command followed by the URL for each exacqVision application: Server Client Web Service <br> Install the latest release Use the ‘dpkg’ package manager to install exacqVision packages after downloading using the ‘wget‘ commands above. Serverdpkg -i exacqVisionServer.deb Clientdpkg -i exacqVisionClient.deb Web Servicedpkg -i exacqVisionWebService.deb <br> Check available hard… Continue reading Common Linux CLI Commands (Terminal)