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Replacing SATA Power Cable in Hybrid ExacqVision Systems with Stretch (sDVR) Boards

(NOTE: This article applies to hybrid ExacqVision systems with Stretch boards, manufactured from June 2012 to September 2013 as described in TAB 2013-01. If you need to replace the SATA power cable to an optical drive and hard drive please visit Article 2320.)


To replace a SATA power cable to a Stretch (sDVR) board in an ExacqVision system, complete the following steps:

1. Shut down the system through the operating system (instead of using the power switch), and then remove the system power cable from the power supply on the back panel.

2. Remove the system lid.

3. Locate the sDVR board. The board could be installed vertically or horizontally, and there could be one or two of these boards.

4. Remove the SATA power cable from each sDVR board. The following images show the location of the sDVR boards (both vertical and horizontal) and the cables that need to be removed.


Vertical sDVR Board


Horizontal sDVR Board

5. Trace the SATA power cable back to the 4-pin Molex connector.


Vertical sDVR Board


Horizontal sDVR Board


6. Disconnect the the 4-pin Molex connector.


7. Remove the faulty SATA power cable and set it aside.

8. Connect the new SATA power cable at the 4-pin Molex connector side first. The following image shows a faulty cable (left) and a replacement cable (right).


9. Connect the new SATA power cable at the power side to each SDVR board.

10. Replace and secure the system lid.

11. Plug the system power cable back into system’s power supply and turn the system on.


Related article: Replacing SATA Power Cable in exacqVision System


Knowledge Support Support Categories Products exacqVision Hardware

Upgrading a Linux-based exacqVision Server with Active iSCSI Configuration to exacqVision 5.8 (Legacy)

When upgrading a Linux-based exacqVision server to exacqVision 5.8, the existing mount point for an active iSCSI connected drive might not be recognized. To work around this issue, complete the following steps after the upgrade is complete:


  1. Using exacqVision Client 5.8, open the Storage page for the upgraded server.
  2. Select the Extended tab.
  3. Look for your iSCSI connection and corresponding mount paths. If they appear as expected, no further action is necessary. Otherwise, continue with the following step.
  4. Note the mount paths that appear on the Extended tab. The example above shows /mnt/edvr/11/ (and three other mounts).
  5. On the Drive tab, deselect the recording drives listed on the Extended tab. Click Apply to disable recording to those mount paths.
  6. Ensure that the originally configured iSCSI mounts are still enabled for recording.
  7. On the server, run sudo /etc/init.d/edvrserver stop in Terminal.
  8. Use the mount command to determine the device name of the iSCSI mount point. The output will look similar to this:
    /dev/sdb1 on / type ext4 (rw,errors=remount-ro)
    proc on /proc type proc (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)
    /dev/sdc1 on /mnt/edvr/4 type ext4 (rw,_netdev,errors=remount-ro)
    /dev/sdd1 on /mnt/edvr/5 type ext4 (rw,_netdev,errors=remount-ro)
  9. Note the /dev/sdxx device name that corresponds to the /mnt/edvr/x mount path from earlier in the procedure.
  10. Run blkid -o value -s UUID /dev/sdc1 (substituting your device’s name for /dev/sdc1) to determine the UUID for the device.
  11. Open the /etc/fstab file for editing. Find the entry that specifies the iSCSI UUID. Change the mount point in the entry to the pre-upgrade configuration. For example, if the UUID= entry contains /mnt/edvr/4, change the “4” to “2.”
  12. Delete the fstab entry created for the iSCSI device before the upgrade. The file will have multiple entries for the mount point; keep the one specifying UUID, and delete the other, which will look similar to /dev/sdc1 /mnt/edvr/2 ext4 _netdev.errors=remount-ro 0 0.
  13. Save all changes.
  14. Continue to edit the fstab file for each iSCSI drive on the system.
  15. Run sudo mount -a to reload the fstab file.
  16. Open /usr/local/exacq/server and delete archivepi.xml and psfpi.xml.
  17. Run sudo /etc/init.d/edvrserver start.


exacqVision Client should now display the correct mount paths on the Extended tab on the Storage page.


Knowledge Support Support Categories Products exacqVision Hardware

Replacing SATA Power Cable in ExacqVision System

(NOTE: This procedure covers the replacement of a SATA power cable to an optical drive and hard drive in an ExacqVision system, as described by TAB 2013-01. If you need to replace the SATA power cable on a system with a Stretch capture board, please visit Article 2328.)


To replace a SATA power cable in an ExacqVision system, complete the following steps:

1. Shut down the system through the operating system (instead of using the power switch), and then remove the system power cable from the power supply on the back panel.

2. Remove the system lid.

3. EL Series only: Locate the optical (DVD) drive in the system and remove the SATA power cable.



4. A Series Only: Locate the optical (DVD) drive in the system and remove the SATA power cable. Also, if the SATA power cable is connected to an additional hard drive located under the optical drive, remove the cable from the hard drive.



5. Trace back the SATA power cable to the 4-pin Molex connector and disconnect it.




6. Remove the faulty SATA power cable and set it aside.

7. Connect the new SATA power cable at the 4-pin Molex connector side first. The following image shows a faulty cable (left) and a replacement cable (right).



8. A Series Only: If you disconnected the removed SATA power cable from an additional hard drive in step #4, connect the new cable to the hard drive.

9. Connect the SATA power cable to the optical drive.

10. Replace and secure the system lid.

11. Plug the system power cable back into system’s power supply and turn the system on.


Knowledge Support Support Categories Products exacqVision Hardware

Hard Drive Power on exacqVision EL-SR and EL-IP Systems

EL-SR and EL-ip exacqVision systems were manufactured with hard-drive caddies that contain a power switch starting in October 2011. If it appears that the hard drive in an exacqVision EL-SR or EL-ip system is not functioning even though the system is powered up, look on the front of the system and determine whether a hard drive power button is visible (see the button circled in red in the photograph below). If the green hard drive LED is not illuminated (see green circle), push the button to activate the hard drive.


Knowledge Support Support exacqVision Client Categories Products

Lower Frame Rates Displayed than Expected

At times, the number of frames per second displayed on an exacqVision system might be lower than expected. This can be caused by network bandwidth, the processor, or the display driver. To determine the cause of the issue, click the kB/s indicator in the exacqVision Client status bar multiple times to cycle through the following information:

  1. kB/s (total bandwidth)
  2. rfps (received frames per second)
  3. dfps (decoded frames per second)
  4. fps (displayed frames per second)


Take note of each parameter and compare them as follows:

  • If rfps is lower than the configured frame rate on the server, the network bandwidth is limiting the frame rate displayed.
  • If dfps is lower than rfps, the processor is limiting the frame rate.
  • If fps is lower than dfps, the display driver is the limiting factor.
  • If fps equals the configured frame rate on the server, exacqVision is displaying every encoded frame.
Knowledge Support Support exacqVision Server Categories Products

Troubleshooting an eDVR Board

To troubleshoot an eDVR board, complete the following steps:

  1. Download Microsoft’s DebugView program from<br><br>
  2. Open the file
    Note: In Windows 7 or Windows Vista, run Notepad as an Administrator and then select Open from the File menu and change the file type to ‘All Files (*.*)’ to open the INI file.<br><br>
  3. Find the [CONFIG] section, or create it if necessary.<br><br>
  4. Add a line after [CONFIG] as follows:
  5. Run the DebugView application.<br><br>
  6. Stop the ExacqVision Server service.<br><br>
  7. Start ExacqDV Control Center. Several lines of information will scroll in the DebugView window. Click Clear in the DebugView toolbar.
    Note: The Clear button looks like an eraser and a piece of paper and can be found below the Help menu.<br><br>
  8. In the ExacqDV Control Center tree, select the eDVR board that you want to troubleshoot. A “-9005” error will appear along with additional information in DebugView.<br><br>
  9. Copy the information from DebugView into an email and send it to


Knowledge Support Support exacqVision Client Categories Products

Moving an eDVR Board in a Linux System

The following steps should be followed when moving the eDVR boards:

  1. In the exacqVision Client, save the system settings and note the serial number associated with the eDVR boards in the tree order by clicking on the board icons in the Configuration tree.
  2. Shut down the system.
  3. Unscrew the boards from the existing mounting. Do not disconnect the cabling from either end. Move the right angle brackets up two slots and add the additional standoffs.
  4. Insert the video compression boards in the same order into the top two slots on the riser board.
  5. Screw the boards into the mechanical mounting hardware and verify the cable connections.
  6. Restart the system. The exacqVision server will start automatically, but the boards will not start because the move will be detected.
  7. Stop the server by typing sudo /etc/init.d/edvrserver stop
  8. Run Control Center to find the boards as follows:
    • sudo /usr/local/xdvapi/bin/startxdvmods
    • sudo /usr/local/xdvapi/bin/xdvcc
  9. Ensure that the serial number shown in Control Center for device 1 matches the serial number of the first board in the tree from step 1.
  10. Close Control Center.
  11. Type sudo /usr/local/xdvapi/bin/stopxdvmods
  12. Restart the exacqVision Server by typing sudo /etc/init.d/edvrserver start
  13. In the exacqVision Client, restore the system settings.


Knowledge Support Support exacqVision Server Categories Products

Get the Monitor Size (resolution) Back for Linux Sy stems

The monitor can get stuck in 640*480 mode if the system is booted with no monitor connected.

To get the monitor size back for Linux systems, complete the following steps after opening Terminal:

  1. Type cd /etc/X11
  2. Type sudo mv xorg.conf xorg.bak.conf
  3. Restart the system with a monitor attached.

