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Settings for motion detection sensitity on Samsung cameras may appear different when deleting and re-adding camera


exacqVision displays a value 1-100 for motion sensitivity. The camera itself only uses a 1-10 scale. When the user sets the sensitivity to 23, the actual value maps to 2, but the GUI still displays 23. If the camera is deleted and re-added, the sensitivity would display 20, rather than 23.


Knowledge Support Support Categories Products exacqVision Integrations

Create custom multistreams using profiles for Samsung cameras

The parameters of secondary streams (multistreams) that can be created in exacqVision are defined by the stream profiles defined in Samsung cameras. Samsung cameras ship with default profiles like H.264, MJPEG or mobile. These profiles each define a codec, default resolution and default framerate.

For example the default camera profiles may not provide a second H.264 stream. If two H.264 streams are required, the administrator can go to the camera’s configuration web page and modify or add an additional profile with the desired attributes. Once created in the camera, this profile will be available for selection in the exacqVision camera configuration page when creating a multistream.


Knowledge Support Support exacqVision Server Categories Products

Samsung Cameras Create “Account Blocked” Errors and Cause Analytic Information to be Missed


Certain Samsung camera models can cause a “490 Account Blocked” error every five minutes in the exacqVision system log. This causes the Analytics events socket to reconnect every five minutes, and analytics events are missed during the reconnection.


This does not affect exacqVision recording, motion events, and input triggers. Only analytics are affected.


Affected Versions

This is caused by an issue in Samsung firmware for camera models SND-6084, SNV-6084, SNV-6084R, SND-6084R, and SNO-6084R. The symptoms were introduced in exacqVision Server analytics in version



Samsung is working on a fix to its firmware. This article will be updated with more information when available.

