Issue: Adding a camera, disabling or re-enabling the camera, power cycling the camera, restarting the exacqVision server service, or rebooting the exacqVision Server, causes the server to set the camera’s time zone, for all cameras that allow it, to Coordinated Universal Time (also known as Universal Time Coordinated, UTC, UTC+0, UTC+00:00, “Z time”, or “Zulu… Continue reading Override to Prevent UTC Time Zone Configuration of Samsung Cameras by the Server
Tag: Samsung
Samsung / Hanwha Cameras Show “Motion Not Supported”
Before being able to manage motion windows from the exacqVision Client the following actions need to be performed within the camera’s web GUI. You should now be able to manage existing areas and draw new areas from within the exacqVision Client Note: It may be necessary to factory reset the camera first. <br>
Mechanical PTZ tab will not show up for Samsung cameras
When updating ExacqVision Server straight to 21.03 from a version prior to 9.8 the mechanical PTZ tab disappears. On the previous version below 9.8, update to ExacqVision Server 19.12 and verify the mechanical PTZ tab is there. Then update to ExacqVision Server 21.03 and verify the mechanical PTZ tab is there. If it is not,… Continue reading Mechanical PTZ tab will not show up for Samsung cameras
Samsung SUNAPI2 firmware known fw issues
Description Samsung SUNAPI2 support is release in r102309 dev build 7_9_38_102356 and RC <br> Known issues – coordinate information for privacy mask and motion regions provided from the camera are inconsistent. Samsung is to provide updated fw that from what we understand is the sensor coordinate for different pixel modes the camera supports. This results in the… Continue reading Samsung SUNAPI2 firmware known fw issues
Samsung SUNAPI2 only handle the first input trigger event on a multiple digital input camera
Description With newer Samsung models that supports SUNAPI2. Only the first input trigger is activated for cameras that have multiple trigger inputs. <br> Version Introduced <br> Platform All platforms for IP Cameras using Samsung plugin <br> Steps to reproduce <br> Expected result <br> Actual result Work Around <br> Version Fixed exacqVision Server <br>
Samsung SNB-3002 Camera Allows Only Motion Non-detection Areas
Symptom Samsung SNB-3002 cameras allow you to define non-detection motion areas. This is the opposite of most Samsung cameras, which allow you to define detection areas. There is no indication in exacqVision Client that an SNB-3002 camera motion window defines non-detection areas. <br> Workaround When using exaqVision Client to configure a motion area for an… Continue reading Samsung SNB-3002 Camera Allows Only Motion Non-detection Areas
Samsung server log error “Device did not return codec information for profile”
Issue seen with SNO-8081R/SNV-8081R <br> This is caused by the camera reporting codec of h.265 profile that we do not currently support with our Samsung plugin. This does not affect other profiles. The message can be ignored.
Samsung PTZ functionality loss in exacqVision Server 20.03
Issue Samsung PTZ functionality loss in exacqVision Server 20.03 <br> Workaround Re-enable mechanical PTZ for the camera, via exacqVision Client. <br> Version Affected 20.03 <br> Version Fixed Fixed in 20.03.111 and forthcoming 20.03.7 RC
Some Samsung models require Motion to be Configured via Cameras Web Interface
Issue Some Samsung models are not supported in regards to motion window configuration. <br> Workaround Configure motion windows via the cameras web interface. <br> Resolution Capability added to exacqVision. <br> Version Affected exacqVision Server versions prior to 20.03.123 <br> Version Fixed 20.03.123
IP Plugin Overrides
The standard form for exacqVision camera addresses is as follows: {host}{?parameter_1=value_1}…{?parameter_n=value_n}{#override_1=value_1}…{#override_n=value_n} <br><br> Overrides PluginOptionUsageACTitransport=httpHTTP stream support for legacy platforms and user dataACTitransport=rtspRTSP stream with separate metadata socket for motion/input trigger/video loss/etc.Axiszoom=configBy default zoom only cameras support.Axiszoom=operationForce zoom only operation and controls as part of PTZ and live view.Axisblocksize=offOn by default, but could turn off blocksize… Continue reading IP Plugin Overrides