If this setting is enabled then it is possible with certain version of Server software, an API issue could occur. Specifically with the OVID plugin when integrating with S2. Product TESTED Version:Client Version: “”Server Version: “”evOVID plugin version Steps to Reproduce If the Password Strengthening and Augmented Authentication is enabled then OVID plugin will… Continue reading Password Strengthening and Augmented Authentication Integration with S2
Tag: S2 Integration
exacqVision-S2 OVID driver for Linux
exacqVision-S2 OVID driver for Linux^Version^https://www.exacq.com/reseller/exacqVisionOVID.deb^6 December 2017^30.1MB,
exacqVision-S2 OVID driver for Windows
exacqVision-S2 OVID driver for Windows^Version^https://www.exacq.com/reseller/exacqVisionOVID.exe^6 December 2017^22.9MB,
Stack Overflow in S2 Integration in Internet Explorer 8
If you are using Internet Explorer 8 to connect to an S2 access control system integrated with exacqVision, a “Stack overflow error 0” message might appear repeatedly. This issue occurs more often if the S2 and exacqVision systems are connected on the same LAN, and it is caused by the way Internet Explorer 8 handles… Continue reading Stack Overflow in S2 Integration in Internet Explorer 8