Knowledge Support Support exacqVision Client

Exacq Client Username/Password Reset


If you are unable to login to the ExacqVision software and need to reset the password, perform the following:

WARNING: This will remove ALL user accounts from the configuration, not just the admin locked out.

Windows OS

1. Visit the following page and download the server version you need.
2. On a Windows machine, open the Services panel or run services.msc.
3. Locate ExacqVision Server in the services list. Right-click on it and choose ‘Stop’.
4. Browse to C:\Program Files\ExacqVision\Server or in the case of a legacy 32-bit system, C:\Program Files (x86)\ExacqVision\Server
5. Find the file named ‘useraccounts.xml’, right-click on it and choose ‘Delete’.
6. You will now run the ExacqVision Server installer file that you downloaded. Locate the file where you saved it, double-click on it to run it.
7. Go through the install process, it will ask you to create a new password (Make a note of this)
8. Once it is finished, open the ExacqVision Client software and click the Configuration (gear) icon from the top-left toolbar.
9. Go to ‘Add Systems’, highlight the system under ‘System List’. Enter your new Username and Password and click on ‘Apply’ to connect.

Linux OS

1. Visit the following page and download the server version you need.
2. On a Linux machine, stop the ExacqVision Server service.
3. Open up terminal, by pressing CTRL+ALT+T
4. Type sudo service edvrserver stop and press Enter.
5. Depending on what system you have you will type one of the following, if it says it cannot find NAUTILUS try CAJA
6. Type sudo nautilus (Ubuntu 10.04-16.04), or try sudo caja (Ubuntu 18.04 and above)
7. When the file explorer opens, go to ‘File System’ and then browse to the following directory
8. Find the file named ‘useraccounts.xml’, right-click on it and choose ‘Delete’.
9. Locate the ExacqVision Server installer file that you downloaded. Right-click on it and choose ‘Open with GDebi Package Installer’.
10. Wait for GDebi to initiate and click ‘Install Package’.
11. Go through the install process, it will ask you to create a new password (Make a note of this)
12. Once it is finished, open the ExacqVision Client software and click the Configuration (gear) icon from the top-left toolbar.
13. Go to ‘Add Systems’, highlight the system under ‘System List’. Enter your new Username and Password and click on ‘Apply’ to connect.


Knowledge Support Support exacqVision Hardware

exacqVision – Resetting the Operating System Password


exacqVision – Resetting the Operating System Password


How to reset the OS password on an ExacqVision Server


exacqVision Server


Either a full re-image or an on-board system recovery will need to be performed to reset the operating system password. 
Knowledge Base Article #935 “System Recovery using on-board recovery partition”

Knowledge Support Support exacqVision Enterprise Categories Products

Enterprise System Manager Shell

To open Enterprise Manager Shell in Windows, run Command Prompt as an administrator and change directories to the installation directory by running the following command:

cd C:\Program Files\exacqvision\enterprisemanager \enterprisesystemmanager\

Then type:

enterprisesystemmanager.exe shell

To open Enterprise Manager Shell in Linux, open a Terminal window and type:

sudo /usr/local/exacq/esm/enterprisesystemmanager shell


The following commands can be used in the shell:

Exit the Shell.

Exit with ‘Ctrl+Z’

Test SMTP settings

from evemail.models import EmailServer
es = EmailServer.objects.all()[0]
con = es.get_connection()

You will see details about any connection errors, or an email connection object that is opened using the information in ESM.

Show the number of emails in the queue

from evemail.models import EventEmail, EventBatchEmail

Delete emails in the queue

from evemail.models import EventEmail, EventBatchEmail

Reset the Enterprise Manager Root Admin user password

*** This should never be given out to a customer ***

Stop all Enterprise Manager services, then enter shell. Once in shell, enter the following commands:

from organization.models import EnterpriseUser
u = EnterpriseUser.objects.get(username="admin")
import sys

Start all Enterprise Manager Services

NOTE: It may be necessary to replace the field username=”admin” above with the actual username configured at time of installation, if not using default value. In example: username=”enterpriseadmin”

Deleting a Failover Group 

from failover.models import *

This will give you a list of failover groups.
Then you can delete the group at the proper index using 


​Replacing the number with the index of the group to delete, of course 

import sys


Undeleting data removed using the web GUI

from server.models.core import Server
from django.utils import timezone
readd_date = - timezone.timedelta(days=2)
servers = Server.objects.filter(removalDate__gt=readd_date)
for server in servers:

Servers deleted through the GUI are flagged for deletion. As long as the datarolloff retention period has not passed, the servers deleted within the last 2 days can be undeleted with the above commands. You can adjust the days needed if the customer needs something from prior to that by adjusting the “days” number in line 3.

Knowledge Support Support exacqVision Enterprise Categories Products

How to reset the ESM admin password


If the ESM administrator has lost or forgotten the ESM admin password, it can be reset by executing shell commands in the operating system of the ESM machine.

Note: root/admin level access to the ESM machine is required for this process.

In Linux:

  1. Open bash shell as root, or provide sudo on command execution
  2. Navigate to the install folder, /usr/local/exacq/esm/
  3. Execute as root, ./enterprisesystemmanager shell
  4. Type the following commands, hit enter after each line.
    from organization.models import EnterpriseUser
    u = EnterpriseUser.objects.filter(username=’admin’).get()
    import sys


In Windows:

  1. Open Command Prompt as administrator
  2. Navigate to the install folder, C:\exacqVisionESM\EnterpriseSystemManager\
  3. Execute, enterprisesystemmanager.exe shell
  4. Type the following commands, hit enter after each line.
    from organization.models import EnterpriseUser
    u = EnterpriseUser.objects.filter(username=’admin’).get()
    import sys