Using Panasonic Input Triggers

When a digital input is triggered on a Panasonic camera, the camera transmits a single alarm to indicate the condition. This means that the triggered state cannot be seen on exacqVision Client’s Trigger Input page. To test Panasonic digital inputs, you must use them with Event Linking or Event Monitoring. < br>

Trigger Inputs Do Not Work on Panasonic Cameras Running H.264 or MPEG-4 in Internet Mode (Over HTTP)

When a Panasonic camera is configured for Internet mode (over HTTP) when using H.264 or MPEG-4 compression, the camera’s trigger inputs do not work correctly. The triggers are in a normally open state by default, but they do not enter an alarm state when the circuit is closed. <br>

Panasonic NW502 JPEG versus H.264 Issue

If you connect to a Panasonic NW502 camera and the software displays JPEG while MPEG-4 is greyed out, you must enable H.264 video encoding. To do this, browse to the NW502 camera configurator and open the Image page. Then change the Video Encoding Format from MPEG-4 to H.264. <br>

Panasonic Cameras Cannot be Found Using an IP Camera Finder after 20 Minutes

Panasonic cameras stop responding to the IP camera finder after they have been powered up for 20 minutes. This applies to the finder in exacqVision Client and the Panasonic search software. <br> To find a camera that has been powered up for 20 minutes or more, restart the camera to reset the timer. <br>