Adding Multi-Channel Encoders

Description In order to accommodate more than 4 channels of video, many multi-channel encoders require the use of the “bank” IP plugin override. The cameras test records should indicate this in the Notes.  Solution For Example, assuming the cameras IP address is 1st bank would be: bank would be: bank would be: bank would be:… Continue reading Adding Multi-Channel Encoders

Override to Prevent UTC Time Zone Configuration of Samsung Cameras by the Server

Issue: Adding a camera, disabling or re-enabling the camera, power cycling the camera, restarting the exacqVision server service, or rebooting the exacqVision Server, causes the server to set the camera’s time zone, for all cameras that allow it, to Coordinated Universal Time (also known as Universal Time Coordinated, UTC, UTC+0, UTC+00:00, “Z time”, or “Zulu… Continue reading Override to Prevent UTC Time Zone Configuration of Samsung Cameras by the Server

Incorrect Timestamps

Issue: exacqVision Server may cause incorrect frame timestamps for some cameras that are using RtspPI or AxisPI plugins. Workaround: None Version Affected 20.06.4 and earlier Resolution: A new Override is available for RtspPI and AxisPIThe Override will prevent the server from auto adjusting timestamps and will trust verbatim what comes from camera. The server generates… Continue reading Incorrect Timestamps

IP Plugin Overrides

The standard form for exacqVision camera addresses is as follows: {host}{?parameter_1=value_1}…{?parameter_n=value_n}{#override_1=value_1}…{#override_n=value_n} <br><br> Overrides PluginOptionUsageACTitransport=httpHTTP stream support for legacy platforms and user dataACTitransport=rtspRTSP stream with separate metadata socket for motion/input trigger/video loss/etc.Axiszoom=configBy default zoom only cameras support.Axiszoom=operationForce zoom only operation and controls as part of PTZ and live view.Axisblocksize=offOn by default, but could turn off blocksize… Continue reading IP Plugin Overrides