GMT +08:00 Perth Time Zone  Off by 3 Hours

Description C2C cameras using a location that has a time zone set to (GMT +8) Perth are off by +3 Hours.  It has been determined that this is not an issue with Cloudvue software but with the cameras firmware. Platform Steps to Reproduce Expected Results Actual Results Work Around Camera Firmware Update Alternate Time Zone… Continue reading GMT +08:00 Perth Time Zone  Off by 3 Hours

Exacq Mobile 3 app does not allow cameras to show Time stamps OSD of the server time while in a different TIME ZONE than the recorder

Description  The Exacq Mobile 3 application does not show the OSD of cameras while the device is in a different time zone. Product  Exacq Mobile 3 application for both iPhone and Android. Expected Results  We should be able to account for when the Device is in a different time zone than the recorder while using… Continue reading Exacq Mobile 3 app does not allow cameras to show Time stamps OSD of the server time while in a different TIME ZONE than the recorder