Motion is not working for All ONVIF cameras on Exacq Server 24.06 & 24.09

Description Motion recording is not working on all ONVIF cameras with Exacq server version 24.06 & 24.09. Some analytics may not work on some brands. Product  Exacq server versions 24.06 & 24.09 Steps to Reproduce  Connecting ONVIF cameras or any supported brands via ONVIF to exacq server ver 24.06 or 24.09 and trying to trigger… Continue reading Motion is not working for All ONVIF cameras on Exacq Server 24.06 & 24.09

Geovision – Onvif Not Triggering Motion

Description exacqVision Server is not detecting motion from Geovision cameras using the onvif plugin.  IP camera database indicates motion is supported  for the GV-TBL8810 Product  exacqVision Server 22.09Onvif Plugin  (onvifnvcpi.json)Geovision CamerasGV-TBL8810 Steps to Reproduce  Add Geovision camera to exacq serverConfigure motion on exacq and or the cameraTrigger motion Expected Results  Motion is triggered Actual Results … Continue reading Geovision – Onvif Not Triggering Motion

Adding the Arecont AV20476RS quad-imager camera with the ONVIF plugin may not have all (4) imager streams connect to the server

Issue: Adding the Arecont Vision ConteraIP Omni LX RS AV20476RS quad-imager IP cameras with the ONVIF plugin (onvifnvcPI) may not have all (4) imager streams connect to the server. Only (3) of the (4) imagers show as connected. Symptoms: All but one one imager on the client camera “settings” page appear functional and display live… Continue reading Adding the Arecont AV20476RS quad-imager camera with the ONVIF plugin may not have all (4) imager streams connect to the server

exacq Server may stop communicating with all ONVIF cameras when a user disables a stream on a multi-stream ONVIF camera

Issue: Under certain conditions, disabling one stream on a multi-stream camera may cause the ONVIF plugin (onvifnvcPI) to experience an internal error that causes it to stop communicating with the rest of the ONVIF cameras. Symptoms: The error condition requires a service restart to interact with the ONVIF plugin again and is listed in the… Continue reading exacq Server may stop communicating with all ONVIF cameras when a user disables a stream on a multi-stream ONVIF camera