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Pelco SMLE1-15V5-3h Motion Events are not Received by Exacq


The Pelco SMLE1-15V5-3h does will not record or see last motion events in exacq client/ server.
Both Firmware’s were tested and work with the override.


ExacqVision Server –

Steps to Reproduce 

Set up motion in the cameras gui for each head in the camera to enable motion events.

Expected Results 

Exacq should receive Motion Status events and record.

Actual Results 

Motion Events are not seen by exacq while camera is sending motion events, and Exacq does not record. Continuous Recording Does work.


Update the Server to Build 24.09.175706.0 x64.
In IP Cameras add the override of
This will be addressed in a future official release to remove the need for the overrides when adding these cameras.
Until them please update to server and use the overrides as needed.
T2 support will need to be involved in transferring the build version exacqVisionServer_24.09.175706.0_x64 to the customer system and to install.


Knowledge Support Support exacqVision Server Categories Products

ONVIF Cameras May Stop Recording Motion


 Some ONVIF cameras report motion by means of a “pull-point” connection separate from the streaming video connection. If the camera unexpectedly closes the motion status connection, the server will retry the connection in order to reacquire motion status. When this happens, the corresponding server log messages will resemble:
4/27/2020 02:59:38.464 AM     onvifnvcPI     Error pull point socket exception.4/27/2020 02:59:38.464 AM     onvifnvcPI     Verbose Timeout triggered.4/27/2020 02:59:38.464 AM     onvifnvcPI     Verbose Pull point is now UNINITIALIZED4/27/2020 02:59:38.464 AM     onvifnvcPI     Verbose Pull point needs to be initialized
When we finally abandon retries, we omit the “Pull point needs to be initialized” log message.
However, if a camera repeatedly closes the motion status connection due to firmware defects or other unknown issues, this can cause excessive server log error messages. In exacqVision Server 5.4.0, this retry behavior was limited to 6 attempts, in order to reduce logging.
Unfortunately, some ONVIF cameras are known to periodically timeout the motion connection, with the expectation that servers should periodically re-establish a “fresh” motion status connection. In such case, the server appears to show live video but no motion flag, and in turn, motion recording will cease.
Depending on the particular ONVIF camera, this symptom can occur after minutes, hours, or longer.



Use continuous recording or upgrade. 



Fixed in exacqVision Server version 20.03.119


Version Affected

exacqVision Server lower than 20.03.119


Version Fixed

exacqVision Server 20.03.119
