Illustra3 Pro Motion Detection Not Working

Description The Pro Gen3 series uses the TI video chipset and requires at least one H.264 stream at 1920×1080. The illustra3 plugin would not allow changing the encoder type to MJPEG in Stream 2 but it does not prevent the user from setting Stream 2 to MJPEG, which causes motion related issues with our plugin.… Continue reading Illustra3 Pro Motion Detection Not Working

Motion Detection Not Working with Illustra Flex Gen2 Models

Symptom: Illustra Flex Gen2 camera models are not displaying motion, input trigger or analytic events.  <br> Problem: Camera firmware is not supporting HTTPS correctly. The default settings for the camera disable the HTTP connection for metadata events.  <br> Solution: Within the camera’s web interface set the following parameters: HTTP/HTTPS has to be set to ‘Both’… Continue reading Motion Detection Not Working with Illustra Flex Gen2 Models

Settings for motion detection sensitity on Samsung cameras may appear different when deleting and re-adding camera

Description exacqVision displays a value 1-100 for motion sensitivity. The camera itself only uses a 1-10 scale. When the user sets the sensitivity to 23, the actual value maps to 2, but the GUI still displays 23. If the camera is deleted and re-added, the sensitivity would display 20, rather than 23. <br>