Screensaver Lock Screen is Activating on exacqVision Server Running Ubuntu Linux

Description  By default the screensaver lock screen is off on exacqVision Servers.  However manually created OS users may have them enabled. Product  Steps to Reproduce  Expected Results  Actual Results  Solution This has been observed on manually created users accounts which were not created, using the provided Kiosk setup scripts.In this case new kiosk user can be… Continue reading Screensaver Lock Screen is Activating on exacqVision Server Running Ubuntu Linux

exacqVision – Resetting the Operating System Password

Title exacqVision – Resetting the Operating System Password Description  How to reset the OS password on an ExacqVision Server Product  exacqVision Server Solution Either a full re-image or an on-board system recovery will need to be performed to reset the operating system password. Knowledge Base Article #935 “System Recovery using on-board recovery partition”

Linux – Delete Video from Root Volume

Exacq Technologies does not recommend using the root partition for video recording as the OS is installed on this partition.  Exacq labels the root partition as /mnt/edvr/0.  In the event that /mnt/edvr/0 has been enabled on the storage page,  resulting in video being recorded to the root partition and you now need to delete that… Continue reading Linux – Delete Video from Root Volume

How to force disk check (fsck) in Linux.

One way to determine if the drive is failing in Linux is to run the following command in the terminal dmesg | less  This should give you an error list you can scroll through for read/write errors.  If you see a problem on a data drive perform the following: If the problem shows on the… Continue reading How to force disk check (fsck) in Linux.

Verifying NTP on Linux system (8.04)

I verified the following in my Ubuntu 8.04 VM. So, hopefully should also be accurate for a natively-installed system. 1 – Verify that ntpd is running:             ps -Af | grep ntp             sudo netstat -nap | grep ntp             Verify that ntpd is running and listening on port 123. 2 – Verify the following… Continue reading Verifying NTP on Linux system (8.04)