If a system is built with the Radisys motherboard or has two or more eDVR boards, there are more then four serial ports. However, Ubuntu 8.04 enumerates only four serial ports by default. To change the number of serial ports enumerated, complete the following steps: <br> Edit menu.lst by typing sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lstFind the line that… Continue reading Enumerating more than Four Serial Ports in Linux
Tag: Linux
Locking Down Linux GRUB (Legacy)
To lock down Linux GRUB, complete the following steps: <br> <br> This puts a password entry in /boot/grub/menu.lst as an md5 hash. If you want to change it after running this script, replace the hash with one created with grub-md5-crypt. <br> To view code follow the link: http://exacq-staging.instil.co/#/file-manager/1b63f3e9-b6e5-48be-9cd2-14b4a1ad2fad/kb-00597-597-210212 <br>
Manually Checking a Drive for Errors in Linux
Run fsck On Linux systems, if a disk encounters a filesystem error, the physical drive may still be good but require a file system consistency check. Perform the following steps to attempt to correct this. If the affected volume is a video storage volume: <br> Appendix If drive fails to unmount, you will need to… Continue reading Manually Checking a Drive for Errors in Linux
Get the Monitor Size (resolution) Back for Linux Sy stems
The monitor can get stuck in 640*480 mode if the system is booted with no monitor connected. To get the monitor size back for Linux systems, complete the following steps after opening Terminal: Type cd /etc/X11Type sudo mv xorg.conf xorg.bak.confRestart the system with a monitor attached. <br>
Configuring ExacqVision Web Services on a Linux system (Legacy)
Versions 2.10 to 7.8 To configure exacqVision Web Services older than version 7.8 on a Linux system, complete the following steps (instructions for previous versions can be found at the end of this article): <br> <br> Versions 2.10 or earlier To configure exacqVision Web Service version 2.10 or earlier on a Linux system, complete the… Continue reading Configuring ExacqVision Web Services on a Linux system (Legacy)
Assigning the Device Number to an eDVR Board in Linux
To assign the device number to an eDVR board in Linux, complete the following steps.<br> NOTE: This process is usually required when replacing or adding boards. This is the same as using Control Center in Windows. Exit the ExacqVision software.Open the Terminal from Start>Accessories>Terminal.Type the following to stop the Exacq Service: sudo /etc/init.d/edvrserver stopType the following: sudo… Continue reading Assigning the Device Number to an eDVR Board in Linux