Q Series Units Using KVM Switch Showing No Display on Boot Up and when switching between units.

This is for a specific customer that was reporting issues with Q series units using a KMV Startech Switch-Model SV431USB.The customer experiences NO DISPLAY on the monitor on boot. They also exhibit no display when switching the source at the switch from a windows based unit back to the Q Series. Tickets: 22721 and 23035.… Continue reading Q Series Units Using KVM Switch Showing No Display on Boot Up and when switching between units.

Primary DNS Shown as on Linux Server Configured for DHCP

Symptom: On a Linux system configured for DHCP the exacqVision Client network settings page displays as the primary DNS.  <br> Problem: This is may be cosmetic, the actual primary DNS for the server should be correct IF a primary DNS is assigned from the DHCP server.  <br> Solution: Update the exacqVision Server to version… Continue reading Primary DNS Shown as on Linux Server Configured for DHCP

3rd Party Linux servers and recording to a NAS?

This process is not officially supported or endorsed by Exacq. Use at your own risk. When the exacqVision Server software starts, it will look into the following location for storage purposes: /mnt/edvr/* NOTE – * – This is typically a number on systems built by Exacq. Any volume that is mounted into the /mnt/edvr location… Continue reading 3rd Party Linux servers and recording to a NAS?