CD/DVD Recorders and Disc Types

Many users have moved to transporting files via portable USB devices or cloud services. CD/DVDs are still often desired by those working with legal evidence or those in insurance and law enforcement due to their low cost and ability to be mailed or stored in flat file folders. Users with systems that do not have… Continue reading CD/DVD Recorders and Disc Types

Moving Eventpi.DB file to New Drive

*** INTERNAL USE *** Description  We have found that event links based on triggers from AI Object Classification events flood the eventPI database resulting in the OS drive being filled in a short amount of time. Periodic unexpected crashes, system reboots and increased memory usage have resulted. This happens when the amount of AI metadata… Continue reading Moving Eventpi.DB file to New Drive

How to change the logical sectors of WD HDDs

Description:- Some of the drives on the raid system are not working on the same raid array with the other drives even if it’s Identical, except the logical sectors showing 512b for the majority and 4K for the new drive or vice versa, so to convert this drive, you will need to use a unique… Continue reading How to change the logical sectors of WD HDDs

Cloudvue Legacy Subscription Accounts

Description Cloudvue GatewayC2C Solution Service Plan – TCSVMSM – VMS only Monthly Storage Retention – No Cloud Drive Legacy Accounts Account1800Packouts7thGenAccess Control ConsultantsAces LLCACS, JOCO LibraryAcurixAmerisureAndani ImportsApple Security SolutionsArbelbide Farms LLCBagby and RussellBally RibbonBeltoneNEBridgewayBrite StarBuilders TrustCE PizzaClaresholmCoastal PizzaDawg ParadiseDesert HillsDuke CommunicationsElauwitElauwit, EdREmpiretecheSecurity, Wash N RollFidelis SolutionsFloors DirectFuller Apt HomesHightekInnovative ITisoflexITZ NetworksJCSSJetz FoodsJohnson Controls Inc, Sammamish… Continue reading Cloudvue Legacy Subscription Accounts

Cloudvue Gateway and OS Logs

Description  Directory locations of both the Linux OS and Cloudvue Gateway logs are as follows. Product Cloudvue Gateway Solution Linux logs Standard Linux logs are located in /var/log smartvue@TCG4T4:~$ cd /var/log auth.logboot.logbootstrap.logdmesgdpkg.logkern.logmysql.lognginx.logsyslog Here is a full listing Cloudvue Gateway Logs smartvue logs are located in /smartvue/logs smartvue @TCG4T4:~$ cd /smartvue/log/ analytics.logdiskCleanup.lognginx.lognvr-camera-sync.lognvr-data-api.logsmv-record.logsnapshot-upload-server.logupdate.logversionCleanup.log Here is a full… Continue reading Cloudvue Gateway and OS Logs

Cloudvue Gateway Camera Already Exists

Description  When attempting to add a camera to the Cloudvue Gateway an error message appears “Camera Already Exists”. Typically, this happens when the local database is out of sync with the cloud database. Removing the camera from the local database then re-adding triggers a new sync which resolve the issue. Below are instructions for removing… Continue reading Cloudvue Gateway Camera Already Exists

Migrating or Recovering a Cloudvue Tunneling Machine

Description Use the following instruction to recover your tunneling machine or migrate  to a new one Assumptions Your old tunneling machine was configured and workingYou know the hostname of your old tunneling machineYou have a copy of the following files from your old tunneling machine~/.ssh/id_rsa~/.ssh/ Solution Create a new tunneling MachineSee KB#13051 “Cloudvue SSH Tunneling”… Continue reading Migrating or Recovering a Cloudvue Tunneling Machine

The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint “auditlogger_auditlog_user_id_fbf03342_fk_organization_enterpriseuser_id”. The conflict occurred in database “NA”, table “dbo.auditlogger_auditlog

The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint “auditlogger_auditlog_user_id_fbf03342_fk_organization_enterpriseuser_id”. The conflict occurred in database “NA”, table “dbo.auditlogger_auditlog Description when the Datarolloff service is failing to start you may see this error or a similar error in the datarolloff log file. There is a foreign key constraint that is failing to delete which in turns stops… Continue reading The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint “auditlogger_auditlog_user_id_fbf03342_fk_organization_enterpriseuser_id”. The conflict occurred in database “NA”, table “dbo.auditlogger_auditlog

Manually Calculating the SSH Password for a Cloudvue Device

*** INTERNAL USE *** Description  The following instructions can be used to manually calculate the ssh password for a Cloudvue video device. Product  Solution Cloudvue Gateway The ssh password is the first 32 characters of the MD5 Hash returned when using the following combination MAC + Version + 3cadcddd84a94e1014f6a9bfeeecfd6 Where MAC is the MAC address… Continue reading Manually Calculating the SSH Password for a Cloudvue Device

Cloudvue Force Certify offline devices

Internal only should only be used by Level 3 There is a button to force certify online devices but this will be needed more for offline device a script has been provided to do this. This script is to be run from the same device and location as your ssh tunnelling scripts. Copy the attached… Continue reading Cloudvue Force Certify offline devices