Description Affected platforms: Linux, Ubuntu 32-bit with PAE-configuration (systems with more than 4GB of RAM).Affected configuration: 1 DVR + n S-Series, where s-series are all used for Extended Storage and are being connected to the single DVR. <br> Symptoms A DVR system watchdogs while configuring many extended storage (iscsi) volumes. <br> Troubleshooting This is happening… Continue reading System watchdogs when configuring Extended Storage
Tag: Level2
Axis plugin motion detection alarm event might not expire
Description Setting a Record Video via Video Motion Event will not clear on an Axis Q6114-E camera running Edge software. <br> Tested Version Edge 6.20.1Client <br> Platform Edge <br> Steps to reproduce Set a Motion Window on the camera via the ClientConfirm Motion Detection is functionalCreate a new Event in Event Linking –… Continue reading Axis plugin motion detection alarm event might not expire
Server may emit unnecessary duplicate config and cause the Client to flicker
Description Particularly evident with advanced h.264 branch. On any config update from client or evAPI, StreamPI unnecessarily emits the full, cached, master config document to all connected clients/evAPI instances. This unnecessary emit will either indicate or not indicate the applied update, depending on how long the update takes to be applied. In the case of… Continue reading Server may emit unnecessary duplicate config and cause the Client to flicker
Server-side digital PTZ is not restored on resume
Description When reopening the Exacq Mobile 3 app, the previously set cameras are reloaded into the live page. During this process, server-side digital PTZ (dewarp) is not restored, leaving the camera in the default state. Note: This is for server-side digital PTZ only (i.e. dewarp only). Pinch-to-zoom functionality is properly restored on resume. <br> Version… Continue reading Server-side digital PTZ is not restored on resume
Windows server 2012 can have 64 importers
Issue Windows Server can report 64/128 cores (via multiprocessing.cpu_count), and we create importers based on number of cores. This had the effect of bringing a 1-core Windows Server 2012 R2 VM to its knees as it created 60+ importers.The logic to determine number of importers does not work in our current 19.09 and 19.12 EM. <br>… Continue reading Windows server 2012 can have 64 importers
Adding web service using server credentials does not enter password
Description When adding a server, the user can select to use the same credentials and address of the server when adding a web service with the server. The single server add form will not correctly capture the password. Thus, the web service will not be able to be reached. <br> Version introduced <br> Platform… Continue reading Adding web service using server credentials does not enter password
Windows installer may not reinstall new plugins after downgrade/upgrade
Issue If a Windows server is downgraded to a version before a new plugin was added, an upgrade back will not install those plugins by default; this means that an on-server upgrade is needed in order to select the checkboxes during install. Two notable plugins added in 19.09.0: ccurepi (used to connect to CCure 9000… Continue reading Windows installer may not reinstall new plugins after downgrade/upgrade
Illustra Essentials low quality in MJPEG
Description When connecting to some essentials camaera’s OEM’ed by Dahua, the customer can put the camera in a mode that shows jpeg in a low quality and the quality slider has no apparent effect. To reproduce Workaround
Exacq Mobile 3 Unable to Connect on iOS
Issue Exacq Mobile 3, version 20.06, has additional restrictions for service connections on iOS. Apple recently deprecated UIWebView in favor of WKWebView requiring an update to the exacqVision Mobile to use WKWebView. One of these restrictions is the requirement of CORS support for all requests. The web service does not include these headers when performing a HTTP ->… Continue reading Exacq Mobile 3 Unable to Connect on iOS
Resetting a Password in Enterprise System Manager
**This should NEVER be given out to a customer** To reset the password for a user in Enterprise Manager, complete the following steps for Windows or Linux. <br> Windows <br> Linux **If unable to login to the EM Web Portal on a Linux box after resetting the password, either user a different browser or upgrade… Continue reading Resetting a Password in Enterprise System Manager