2023-09 September Quarterly Release Training

<br><br> ExacqVision Server Bug Fix – Fixed issue causing server crash due to missing microSD card in Illustra multisensor cameras.If camera has no microSD for one sensor, but does for another, network loss recording action caused a crash. (AESW-7549) Bug Fix – Prevent offload from Illustra BWC from hanging Bug Fix – If camera does… Continue reading 2023-09 September Quarterly Release Training

Troubleshooting 100% Smartvue Partition Disk Space Usage

Description  The Disk Space Use% for the partition mounted as /smartvue should not reach 100%.  If it does odd behavior too include loss of live or recorded video may occur.  Further troubleshooting should help decide if the issue is related to a failed or failing hard drive or a corrupted database. Product  Steps to Reproduce … Continue reading Troubleshooting 100% Smartvue Partition Disk Space Usage

Cloudvue Gateway – Registration Wizard Fails to Complete

Description We are seeing a rise in cases where Cloudvue Gateways will not progress past the Registration Wizard. Everything goes normally until time to submit the registration. At this point nothing appears to be happening when clicking submit and users are unable to finalize the registration process. Product • Cloudvue Gateway Steps to Reproduce •… Continue reading Cloudvue Gateway – Registration Wizard Fails to Complete

Outbound Connections tab in Client shows intermittent disconnecting then connecting

Some servers connecting to Integrator Services Portal or Enterprise Manager may show disconnected on outbound connections tab, then connected, and then disconnect again intermittently. Product  ExacqVision Server software ExacqVision Client software Steps to Reproduce  Expected Results  Status should remain “Connected” Actual Results  Status will show “Connected”, then momentarily show “disconnected”, then back to “Connected”, continuously… Continue reading Outbound Connections tab in Client shows intermittent disconnecting then connecting

Support procedure for reporting newly discovered cyber security vulnerabilities in Exacq Software 

This document will outline the procedures expected from Exacq Support staff in the event of discovering a previously unreported security vulnerability in an exacqVision product. Product  Any exacqVision product Procedure: Our Global Product Security team will then be responsible for following up with this customer and resolving vulnerability. <br>

Adding Desktop Recycle Bin in Windows

NOTE: The Desktop Recycle Bin is removed on purpose. This is intended to prevent users from using the Recycle Bin as a file directory for storage. Consider this when choosing to add this back to your system. WARNING: The following steps involve editing the Windows Registry. Only experienced administrators should edit the registry. Incorrect edits… Continue reading Adding Desktop Recycle Bin in Windows

Recording Not Possible – Windows DST Issue

Description  If the exacqVision Server data drives are full and are displaying “Recording Not Possible” on the storage page then it is possible an invalid hour folder was created during the switch to Daylight Savings Times (DST).  Use the following instructions to verify and resolve the issue.  Product  Solution These instruction are based on Windows… Continue reading Recording Not Possible – Windows DST Issue