Invalid event database – ***

Invalid event database – *** Description The EventPI database may be corrupted. The database is located in the Server folder as “eventpi.db”. Notes The database files are located in the Server folder and start with: eventpi.db .Stop the Server service, delete the files and restart to recreate the database.

Error -10057 (RTSP PLAY: Bad \”Range:\” header).

Error -10057 (RTSP PLAY: Bad \”Range:\” header). Description Camera has stopped sending data. Notes Stream Timeout normally precedes this error. Error -10057 (RTSP PLAY: Bad “Range:” header) is the same error as Stream Timeout. This is a different component calling out the same error.

LDAP_Simple_Bind failed: Strong Authentication Required

LDAP_Simple_Bind failed: Strong Authentication Required Description When the GPO “Domain Controller:LDAP Server Signing Requirement” is set to “require signing”, it will reject a simple bind unless using SSL. GPO or local policy object is located at Computer Configuration, Policies, Windows Settings, Security Settings, Local Policies, and then click Security Options.