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Solr vulnerability – CVE-2017-12629

Enterprise Manager

Enterprise Manager (formerly ESM) includes a version of Apache Solr which is vulnerable to attack allowing remote code execution.  Further information can be found here:


Mitigation: It is recommended that you follow the steps below appropriate for your Operating System.

For Windows

Note: File paths vary depending on installation, 64-bit or 32-bit.


  1. Launch services, then stop ‘solrJetty’
  2. Click the ‘Start’ button and type ‘Notepad.exe’.  Right-click notepad and select ‘Run as administrator’.
  3. Click ‘File’, then ‘Open’, and navigate to the following file based on your install location:
    • For 64-bit:”C:\exacqVisionESM\apache_solr\apache-solr\server\solr\collection1\conf\solrconfig.xml”
    • For 32-bit:”C:\exacqVisionESM\apache_solr\apache-solr\solr\collection1\conf\solrconfig.xml”
  4. Add the following highlighted section just above the “Function Parsers” line:
  5. If 64-bit, click ‘File’, then ‘Open’, and navigate to the following file: “C:\exacqVisionESM\apache_solr\apache-solr\bin\solr.cmd”
    • Find the line: set START_OPTS=%START_OPTS% !GC_TUNE! %GC_LOG_OPTS%
    • Below this line, add the following: set “START_OPTS=%START_OPTS% -Ddisable.configEdit=%true%”
  6. Save the file.
  7. Click ‘File’, then ‘Open’, and navigate to the following file based on your install location:
    • For 64-bit: Launch ‘regedit’ from start menu.
      • Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE->SYSTEM->ControlSet001->Services->solrJetty
      • Double click ImagePath
      • In value data put double quotes around C:\PROGRA~1\EXACQV~1\ENTERP~1\apache_solr/apache-solr\scripts\prunsrv.exe
    • For 32-bit: “C:\exacqVisionESM\apache_solr\apache-solr\scripts\serviceinstall.bat”
      • Find the entry:  ++JvmOptions=-XX:MaxPermSize=128M
      • Add a space after this entry and add: ++JvmOptions=-Ddisable.configEdit=true
      • Fine the quoted text: –Install=”C:\exacqVisionEsm\apache_solr/apache-solr\scripts\prunsrv.exe\”
      • Replace it with: –Install='”C:\exacqVisionEsm\apache_solr/apache-solr\scripts\prunsrv.exe\”‘
    • Note: Ensure there is a space after this entry.
  8. Save the file and close Notepad.
  9. Click the Windows ‘Start’ button and type ‘cmd’.  Right-click on “Command Prompt’ and select ‘Run as administrator’.
  10. Run the following two commands sequentially:
    • C:\exacqVisionEsm\apache_solr\apache-solr\scripts\serviceinstall.bat
    • C:\exacqVisionEsm\apache_solr\apache-solr\scripts\serviceinstall.bat INSTALL
  11. Launch services, then start ‘solrJetty’


For Linux

Note: File paths vary depending on installation, 64-bit or 32-bit.

  1. Open a Terminal.
  2. Stop ESMWebservice with the following command:
    • sudo /usr/local/exacq/esm/scripts/ESMWebservice stop
    • Enter your password and press “Enter”
  3. Open ‘gedit’ (or your preferred text editor) with ‘sudo’ privileges with the following command: sudo gedit
  4. Click ‘File’, then ‘Open’, and navigate to the following file based on your install location:
    • For 64bit: “/usr/local/exacq/esm/apache_solr/apache-solr/server/solr/collection1/conf/solrconfig.xml”
    • For 32bit: “/usr/local/exacq/esm/apache_solr/apache-solr/solr/collection1/conf/solrconfig.xml”
  5. Add the following highlighted section just above the “Function Parsers” line:
  6. Save the file.
  7. Click ‘File’, then ‘Open’, and navigate to the following file based on your install location:
    • For 64-bit: “/usr/local/exacq/esm/apache_solr/apache-solr/bin/solr”
      • Before the line that reads: SOLR_START_OPTS
      • Add the line: DISABLE_CONFIG_EDIT=”true”
      • Find the line with “${SOLR_HOST_ARG[@]}” “-Duser.timezone=$SOLR_TIMEZONE” \
      • Change the line to:
        “${SOLR_HOST_ARG[@]}” “-Duser.timezone=$SOLR_TIMEZONE” “-Ddisable.configEdit=$DISABLE_CONFIG_EDIT” \
    • For 32-bit:  “/usr/local/exacq/esm/apache_solr/apache-solr/scripts/”
      • After the line: SOLR_PID=””
      • Add a new line: DISABLE_CONFIG_EDIT=”true”
      • Change the line: SOLR=
      • To: SOLR=”$JAVABIN -Dsolr.solr.home=$SOLR_HOME -Djetty.logs=$INSTALL_PATH/logs/ -Djetty.home=$INSTALL_PATH/ -jar $INSTALL_PATH/start.jar $INSTALL_PATH/etc/jetty.xml -Ddisable.configEdit=$DISABLE_CONFIG_EDIT”
  8. Save the file and close gedit.
  9. Back in the terminal, run the following command
    • sudo /usr/local/exacq/esm/apache_solr/ restart
  10. Restart ESMWebservice with the following command:
    • sudo /usr/local/exacq/esm/scripts/ESMWebservice start

