Exacq Unit Crashes When Backup is Imported

Description  When importing a backup file to a NVR the system crashes the machine rendering it inaccessible. After a re-installation the import of the backup file once again crashes the system.  Product  exacqVision Server Steps to Reproduce  Import backup file to the Exacq Server. Expected Results  Settings are imported and exacqVision Server continues normal operation … Continue reading Exacq Unit Crashes When Backup is Imported

Replacing the First Storage Drive using GParted on a Non-RAID exacqVision Ubuntu Linux Server having an 8 GB or smaller ROOT partition

Description •This procedure applies to replacing the first non-RAID storage drive (mechanical SATA hard disk drive) on an Ubuntu Linux-based exacqVision server. If the operating system ROOT partition is 8GB or smaller, the replacement primary storage drive will need to have the “Linux swap”, “export”, and first “storage” partitions created on it.•These instructions assume that… Continue reading Replacing the First Storage Drive using GParted on a Non-RAID exacqVision Ubuntu Linux Server having an 8 GB or smaller ROOT partition

Replacing the First Storage Drive using GParted on a Non-RAID exacqVision Ubuntu Linux Server having a 20 GB or larger ROOT partition

Description  •This procedure applies to replacing the first non-RAID storage drive (mechanical SATA hard disk drive) on an Ubuntu Linux-based exacqVision server.  If the operating system ROOT partition is 20GB or larger, the replacement storage drive will only need to have the first “storage” partition created on it.•These instructions assume that the Linux operating system… Continue reading Replacing the First Storage Drive using GParted on a Non-RAID exacqVision Ubuntu Linux Server having a 20 GB or larger ROOT partition

exacqVision Drive Setup with 3Ware (JBOD)

Part I: Enter the 3Ware BIOS Restart the system through the operating system.When prompted, press Alt+3 to enter the 3ware RAID BIOS.Type admin256 as the password.Press any key to acknowledge the warning. <br> Part II: Create the New Array Press the Tab key to navigate to the top of the list of drives listed as Exportable Unit. Highlight single drive under Direct Attached and… Continue reading exacqVision Drive Setup with 3Ware (JBOD)