Server not recording to iSCSI volumes

Description:If all the storage drives are ISCSI, then “Recording Not Possible” is seen on the Storage page of the desktop client.If some storage drives are local, then recording only happens to local drives, thus reduces the overall content age of the oldest available video/audio.Workaround: Fixed Version:21.03.107 Back patched and available in 21.03.7

Configuring Extended Storage with an exacqVision S-Series

The S-series come defaulted for Archiving. This article will walk you through the steps of preparing the S-series for Extended Storage and assumes you have already configured the IP address of the S-series for your network.Extended Storage relies upon an iSCSI connection to the S-series device. If using an exacqVision Server and exacqVision S-series storage… Continue reading Configuring Extended Storage with an exacqVision S-Series

Enabling iSCSI Support on exacqVision Systems with Windows Embedded

Early versions of exacqVision systems with the Windows Embedded operating system did not have support for iSCSI. These systems were manufactured in in January and early February 2014. To determine whether a system supports iSCSI, complete the following steps: Open the Start menu.Right-click Computer.Select Manage from the pop-up menu.Double-click Services and Applications.Double-click Services.If Microsoft iSCSI… Continue reading Enabling iSCSI Support on exacqVision Systems with Windows Embedded

Upgrading a Linux-based exacqVision Server with Active iSCSI Configuration to exacqVision 5.8 (Legacy)

When upgrading a Linux-based exacqVision server to exacqVision 5.8, the existing mount point for an active iSCSI connected drive might not be recognized. To work around this issue, complete the following steps after the upgrade is complete: <br> <br> exacqVision Client should now display the correct mount paths on the Extended tab on the Storage… Continue reading Upgrading a Linux-based exacqVision Server with Active iSCSI Configuration to exacqVision 5.8 (Legacy)

Windows-based ExacqVision Systems Must Record Directly to Fixed Drives

The Windows version of ExacqVision Server must record directly to drives that Windows identifies as fixed drives, such as iSCSI drives. Network-attached storage (NAS), or mapped drives, cannot be used for direct recording because the ExacqVision system cannot detect whether the drives are being used for other purposes. Such conflicts can cause recording issues on… Continue reading Windows-based ExacqVision Systems Must Record Directly to Fixed Drives

iSCSI on Ubuntu

Retrieved From HowtoForge <br> Setting Up The Initiator Install the initiator: sudo apt-get install open-iscsi <br> Next we open /etc/iscsi/iscsid.conf… sudo nano /etc/iscsi/iscsid.conf … and set node.startup to automatic: <br> Then we restart the initiator: sudo /etc/init.d/open-iscsi restart <br> Now we connect to the target (server2) and check what storage devices it has to offer:… Continue reading iSCSI on Ubuntu

Starting iSCSI on Startup with Linux Systems

After you reach the point where everything is logged in (you are able to type iscsiadm –m session and get output), following is the generic syntax: iscsiadm -m node -T <targetname> -p <ip:port> –op update -n node.conn[0].startup -v automatic <br> The parameters between < and > are substitutions. The syntax for persistent binding devices discovered on an internal connection… Continue reading Starting iSCSI on Startup with Linux Systems