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Setting up Email Notifications to send a Start and a Stop email when the event starts and ends.

When setting up email notifications to work with a IP Camera Connection event there is setting in the Notifications to send on the event start and end.

Once the Email Profile has been tested and confirmed to be working we need to set up 2 rules for this to work properly

  1. Event Linking

To set up the trigger to allow the notification to work we must set up an Event linking event.
In this Example we are using a single camera to to send an email when the camera disconnects and reconnects to the server. The email profile will send out an email that will show the start of the event and the end of the event with a Start and End status in the email that is receive.

The event rule should be set similar to the picture above.

Event Type: IP Camera Connection
Event Source: Is the camera that you want to monitor.
Action Type: Notify (the Email Notifications)
Action Target: The Email Profile Created in the Notifications section. Alert Emails.

Notification Email Message Profiles

To configure your email profile Page correctly to send the notifications with a start and an end see the picture below.

When setting up the Email Message Profile Page there are 2 things we need to make sure are selected from the menu options.

1.Make sure to Select the WHEN drop down menu and select Alarm Starts and Ends. (If you want only on start select Alarm Start)
2. In the Add Field drop down menu select EVENT STATE and a Date format.

When the event is triggered the email profile will send an email out on the start of that event and then at the end of that event.

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Differences Between Device and Audio Connection Alarms and IP Camera Connection Alarms


  1. Available in client under Event Linking and/or Event Monitoring under source type IP Camera Connection and video source’s name as configured under Camera Settings. It is always helpful to give your cameras unique, easily-recognizable names.
  2. Each stream is an independent alarm source, whether an encoder with multiple channels, or an IP camera with multiple active streams.
  3. On receiving the first valid frame of video, a connected alarm will be emitted.
  4. If 10 seconds (non-configurable) elapse without receiving another complete, valid frame of video, a not connected alarm will be emitted. This timeout is reset on each complete, valid frame of video received.
  5. When behavior is not as expected, it is important to note the device type as which you have configured this IP device in the server, in case of any special behavior associated with a particular type.



  1. Available in client under Event Linking and/or Event Monitoring under source type IP Camera Connection and audio source’s name as configured under Audio Inputs, with (Audio Only) appended to the source name. It is always helpful to give your audio inputs unique, easily recognizable names.
  2. Each stream is an independent alarm source, whether an encoder with multiple channels, or an IP camera with multiple active streams. Though in the case of audio connection alarms, no known corresponding device is treated as a multistreaming-capable device.
  3. Suspecting that only devices that indicate having audio with no video in configuration XML are made available in panel.

    *Examples of associated audio-only devices include the Axis P8221.
    *Available with certain Pelco models.
    *Available with any IP plugin that uses Live555.
    *It is uncertain whether any plugins allow you to disable video but enable audio, when a device supports both audio and video. However, the source is only made available for audio connection alarms if it consistently indicates that it does not provide video.
    *Relevant Axis models are the only ones that ultimately can emit audio connection alarms.
  4. On receiving the first valid frame of audio, when no video is available from the device, a connectedalarm will be emitted. This is not determined by known configuration, but instead controlled by the RTSP response indicating an audio-only stream.
  5. If 10 seconds (non-configurable) elapse without receiving another complete, valid frame of audio, a not connected alarm will be emitted. This timeout is reset on each complete, valid frame of audio received.
  6. When behavior is not as expected, it is important to note the device type as which you have configured this IP device in the server, in case of any special behavior associated with a particular type.



  1. Available in client under Event Linking and/or Event Monitoring under source type IP Camera Connection and the IP device’s detected type and model name, with MAC address appended to the source name. These all come from the Type, Model, and MAC column values in the IP Camera List, and are not configurable. If you use more than one of the same camera model, it might appear as though you have duplicate event sources listed in Event Linking, but they actually correspond to each of your devices.
  2. Appears that we do this for all Axis devices regardless of encoder vs. camera vs. trigger box, hence all normal IP cameras can be independently and separately linked both for IP connection alarms and device connection alarms. I do not believe this is implemented in any other IP camera plugin.
  3. After the alarm socket connection is established with the IP device, a connected alarm will be emitted.
  4. If a socket error occurs, or the IP device closes the connection, a not connected alarm will be emitted.
  5. When behavior is not as expected, it is important to note the device type as which you have configured this IP device in the server, in case of any special behavior associated with a particular type.