H265 Motion Detection Fails on Panasonic WV-S8531N

Description  The Panasonic WV-S8531N fails to detect motion when using H265 option. Product  ExacqVision Server Steps to Reproduce  Expected Results  Motion is detected and video records. Actual Results  Motion is not detected and video is not recorded. Solution Updating firmware to S8531_202ES allowed the camera use Motion with H265 format on Server 22.09. AES-146 <br>

UniView NONE Branded IPC3618SB-ADF28KM-10 Motion works with 23.09

Description Motion events are not being received by exacqVision. Product Steps to Reproduce Expected Results Motion should work with 23.06 set up with Onvif Plugin. Actual Results Camera’s GUI shows motion events and we do not receive them. Solution Confirmed that 23.09 will allow the motion events to record and be seen in live view… Continue reading UniView NONE Branded IPC3618SB-ADF28KM-10 Motion works with 23.09

Samsung QNP-6230x Motion not Working After Selecting a PTZ Preset

Description  After selecting a PTZ preset motion appears to stop working in the camera’s web interface. If you edit the motion settings in the client, the motion will events will start to work in the camera again. Product  Camera models: Firmware: Steps to Reproduce  Have the camera setting on the home preset. Expected Results  PTZ… Continue reading Samsung QNP-6230x Motion not Working After Selecting a PTZ Preset

IP Camera Detection Fails If Using Multiple Addresses on Same Interface

Symptom: IP camera detection fails. <br> Problem: If more than one IP address has been assigned to the same network interface on a Windows system exacqVision Server may fail to use correct IP address, thus camera detection fails. Linux is not known to be affected. <br> Solution: Option 1: Temporarily remove all but one IP… Continue reading IP Camera Detection Fails If Using Multiple Addresses on Same Interface

exacqVision Multistreaming on Illustra 825 Fisheye Cameras

If you want Stream 1 on an Illustra 825 Fisheye camera to be anything other than Fisheye, you must change it in the camera’s web browser. If you have aready configured multistreaming on the camera in exacqVision Client, you must delete the multistreams before changing Stream 1 in the browser.<br> The following stream combinations are… Continue reading exacqVision Multistreaming on Illustra 825 Fisheye Cameras