DMP intrusion panel XR550 requires 8 characters and all capitalized

Description Refer to ​#d17458. Apparently, DMP intrusion panel model XR550 requires the remote key to be 8 characters long, all capitalized. If your remote key is less than 8 characters, you need to enter trailing spaces into exacqVision to get 8 characters. If your remote key contains any lower-case characters, you need to enter capitals into… Continue reading DMP intrusion panel XR550 requires 8 characters and all capitalized

Bentel Intrusion Panel Reports Incorrect Zone Status

Symptom: Incorrect status displayed for zones from Bentel integration. <br> Problem: Affecting exacqVision Server version 9.0, the status for Zone 1 is displayed for Zone 2, and Zone 2 displayed for Zone 3, etc.  <br> Solution: Option 1:  If license subscription allows, update exacqVision Server version to or higher.  Option 2:  If license subscription… Continue reading Bentel Intrusion Panel Reports Incorrect Zone Status